Did you know? Doing Yoga according to your body type, gives the best result!


Did you know? Doing Yoga according to your body type, gives the best result!

By: - June 21, 2018

Everyone now knows the amazing benefits of doing Yoga. This is evident as the world is celebrating the “World Yoga Day 2018” today as of 21st June 2018. People are excited about celebrating Yoga Day in India. This knowledge of yoga has helped millions of people to maintain good health and live a happy life.

But! Does Yoga give the same results to everyone?

NO! It doesn’t.

Our body is made of the five basic elements as we all know. Everyone is made of a different combination of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Ether elements. So, it is important to know your body type because it creates a very crucial impact on everything you do or consume.

Do you know your body type?

If you want to understand more about your body type, click here!

As per Ayurveda, there are three types of Doshas or three types of body (Prakriti): Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. All the body’s functions and metabolism are managed according to the body type. From your thoughts to your body frame, from your attitude to your appetite, everything follows a pattern that is your body type. In the same way, Yoga also exerts different effect on your body, as per your body type.

Yoga for Vata Body Type:

Vata Body Type is symbolized by thin body frame, dry skin and quick movements. People with Vata Body Type are very much energetic and creative. Due to being highly active in nature, these people usually face a lot of injury, stiffness, and problem in the joints.

People with Vata Body Type should perform the yoga calmly, without any haste or excessive force.

Doing Surya Namaskar, Uttanasana, Hast-Paadasana, Paschimotanasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Panayama for vata dosha etc. are considered beneficial for people with Vata Body Type.

Yoga for Pitta Body Type:

Pitta Body Type is symbolized by moderate body frame, acne prone skin, and controlled movements. These people are very much determined and intellectual. Because of the ‘Fire’ being the main element in them, they tend to feel stressed and irritated most of the time.

People with Pitta Body Type should perform Bhujangasana, Kurmasana, Chandra Namaskar, etc. to calm their mind and body. They should do yoga in cool environment and for limited duration as to not heat up excessively.

Yoga for Kapha Body Type:

Kapha Body Type is symbolized by tall and large body frame, soft & cool skin, and slow movements. They are usually lazy and avoid physical or mental work, and they have a calm and easy going nature. Due to their lazy nature, they usually do not indulge in exercises, leading to weight gain and lifestyle disorders.

People with Kapha Body Type should do yoga with a little bit more enthusiasm and vigor. They should perform Shirshasana, Shalabhasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Dhanurasana, etc. are suitable asanas for people with Kapha Body Type, to boost the metabolism and generate heat.


Yoga is beneficial for health but only if you do the right asanas for the right amount of time, and as per your body type. And however popular, one shouldn’t do yoga without the supervision of experts.

You can consult the experts at the Nimba Nature Cure – one of the best yoga and meditation centres in India, to understand your body type and asanas suitable for you.