Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

get well soon, naturopathy

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

By: - August 9, 2019

How many times a year do you receive this text, ‘Get well soon’, from your friends?

Seasonal climate changes, viral infections, consumption of junk food, not eating the right kind of food, not consuming enough water, etc.,are various reasons why we frequently fall ill. There is a bigger umbrella under which all these illnesses fall. The reason is low immunity and low resistance against diseases. While growing up, we all often heard the phrase, ‘prevention is better than cure’ and ‘say no to procrastination’ but failed to apply it in daily life.

To make yourself immune to diseases, you first have to take preventive measures at the right time. There are various naturopathy treatments that not only help us feel better but also boost the immune system.


Remember your A-B-C-D-Es.

Lack of nutrients and minerals reduce immunity. The body specifically needs Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D And E for a good resistance against diseases. It is essential to identify which foods provide which nutrients and include a balance of all in our diets.


Chant the Super Mantra- “OM”

While stress does affect the body in a physical way, it has a number of ill-effects on mental and emotional well being which includes a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing naturopathy treatments include meditation, massages and even learning and implementing proper breathing techniques.


Increase Sleep

Naturopathy treatments suggest that for holistic wellness, as the season changes, our sleeping patterns should change too. This is because our body actually requires an adequate amount of sleep to build our immune system or repair what has been damaged due to some illness. Ideally, one should sleep between 10-11PM and wake up between 6-7AM.


Herbal Teas & Tinctures-

Echinacea is a North American plant of the daisy family, whose roots are used in herbal medicine, largely for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties. It finds an extensive use in prevention medicine and naturopathy treatment as well.


Increase Intake Of Warm Foods

A human body requires more internal heat during winters or autumns, mainly to fight off infections. Bone broths, soups and stews are a great way to get all the nutrients required to increase immune functions. Increase food intake especially from allium family- garlic and onions as they possess great antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.

There are various other naturopathy treatments that help the body not only fight against diseases but also prevent them from happening altogether. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, naturopathic treatments by expert healers impart pure holistic wellness to you. Delve into wellness with the naturopathy treatments at Nimba that relax your body and soul. Nimba is the best place to experience harmless, tested, and trusted naturopathy treatments in Western India. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience Nimba.

Corporate Wellness – A Necessity, Not A Strategy

corporate wellness

Corporate Wellness – A Necessity, Not A Strategy

By: - July 24, 2019

Of all the seminars, excursions, team-building events and motivational talks the one thing that you might have missed out to improve workplace productivity could be the difference between a stagnant organization and staggering growth. Yes, it’s workplace wellness also known as corporate wellness. A concept that has turned around the life of innumerous employees and propelled the productivity of their companies.

What Does It Mean When We Say Corporate Wellness?

The bane of modern life and modern workplace is a sedentary lifestyle and subsequent mental and physical disorders that not only affects the health of the employee in the long run, it also has a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. And the new age millennial employees are more aware about their mental and physical health. Moreover, they can jump a job more easily. 

So holding the right talent makes it necessary for the employer to give heed to employees’ health through wellness practices within the company or taking them to a wellness retreat. This simple change can benefit both the company and the employee. 

Wellness Retreats Are The New Destinations For Corporate Excursion 

In the past 30 years, there has been a shift in employer mindset as they are becoming more aware about the benefits of employee wellness for the culture of the company. This shift has brought about a change in common problems like absenteeism, low productivity and a gloomy workplace atmosphere. 

Companies can now benefit from a variety of wellness packages offered by holistic wellness retreats and the returns are well-worth the effort. Some benefits are-

  • Improved workplace productivity
  • Positive attitude in employees
  • Reduced absenteeism
  • Better recovery from injuries/ diseases
  • Reduced corporate stress and conflicts
  • Better job satisfaction 
  • Reduced attrition as company loyalty increases

Nimba Nature Cure – The Wellness Retreat For Your Company

Nestled within a lush green cover, secluded from the commotion of the city is a holistic wellness retreat called Nimba where you can heal from within. Experts in Naturopathic and Ayurvedic treatments, Nimba offers corporate wellness packages that will detoxify the body and mind of your employees through a range of natural therapies, yoga, and meditation. The serene and beautiful atmosphere itself does half the work. 

So why not pay a visit to Nimba? The catalyst you’ve been waiting for to turn around the company culture could be a trip to Nimba Nature Cure Village. To book a wellness package mail us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

How to choose the right and best wellness retreat in India

wellness retreat in india

How to choose the right and best wellness retreat in India

By: - February 8, 2019

Amidst a sequence of pressure loaded, deadline-driven and stressfully functioning life, your body and mind might be yearning to experience some refreshment. Trust us, it is not unhealthy at all, to stop and smell the flowers every once in a while. We all look up for best wellness retreat in India, but we are never sure which one will work best for us? Of course, the list is quite tempting and bewildering too.

This is why we are going to help you to make an appropriate choice by considering a few factors to indulge in your perfect wellness retreat. These factors will assist you in structuring an ideal choice alongside helping you examine which one is most suitable.

The factors to keep in mind while you are choosing a wellness retreat in India:

1. Location

Selecting a location that works best for you can effectively contribute to your wellness retreat. Make sure that the location you select is one that you will thoroughly relish. It could be your favorite destination, dream destination or anywhere. Just make certain that it is sure to do the therapy you need.

Think about it. Where have you always wanted to go? Which place do you think works best for you or would work best for you? Once you get onto it, you have no idea how interesting it can get. Also, you must make sure to choose a place that is closer to home and easier to reach. This can also effectively contribute in reducing your body exhaustion thus allowing you to maintain peace of mind and body.

2. Budget

This is an important factor to regard while you plan to choose a location. It is useless to choose a location that is expensive when you can enjoy the same facilities in a place that is cheaper, isn’t it? Budget is often a stressful factor to consider, and when you confirm to make use of an affordable means of traveling and therapizing yourself, you can really rid your mind and body of all the stress. So, the next time you are looking for the wellness retreat in India, make sure you opt for it.

3. Personalization

Personalizing your travel can benefit you to a large extent. There might be times when you may not feel at ease while working out, or relishing the therapy properly. For instance: if you are not an expert in Yoga, you might feel more comfortable by taking personal sessions of the same.

Customizing experiences can also be really fun when you choose to try them so make sure that you do so in case you are not sure about doing things in a group or as a team. You can speak to your manager and use some personalized items, and wellness objects that you might have desired to make use of for long. It can help severely and make a difference too.

4. Hidden Costs
At times, you may fail to notice the hidden costs that are swaying and waiting to come to you. It is most annoying to plan a budget thoroughly, work in accordance with it only to find out that there is more money to add on to it. Won’t it really spoil the fun?

If you want to avoid such cases, you can prepare a proper check and have a confirmative conversation with your manager, or the trip organizer, to make certain that there are no extra costs that might be needed on the way or that exceeds your budget leading to pressure. This is another important factor you can consider while looking for the best wellness retreat in India. Extra night cabs, or airport finances, can be avoided in this way.

5. Read reviews to confirm your wellness retreat

With the advancement of technology, you can really keep informed without much hassle of asking people or going through newspapers to know more. You need only type your queries on the internet, to which you get the most refined answers in no time. If you are not sure about your wellness retreat in India or which place can work best for you, you can surf it on the internet, and read blogs, articles that help you with it.

This can work wonders and you can also check reviews of each place you have been planning to visit. If the reviews are good, you know it is safe to visit and spend your money on it but if not, then you might be at risk.

6. Know why you want to go and what you intend to do?

A getaway is not just to enjoy and try out adventurous activities. Moreover, wellness retreats are of different kinds and therefore might seem difficult to choose from a wide list. If you plan on going out, you must know why, and eventually be sure of your intentions.

For instance: If you think you need some time out for Yoga classes or maybe even plenty of sleep, make sure you book your location and everything else in accordance with it. It will be useless to book a location that is noisy enough while you intend to use the location to enjoy some plenty of sleep.

7. Structure your plans in accordance with your preferences

Desiring to go somewhere might not take long, but planning it out accordingly might need plenty of time and investment. If you are planning to go somewhere you must make certain to structure your plan by catering to your goals.

If you want to do Yoga, or plenty of Pilates, structuring the plan according to the location, activity, and more can really help you to cope with the stress of going out and relax your mind and body to an extensive level. Try it, you will find refreshment in it.


These were the few factors that you should definitely keep in mind. While we have already suggested so many ways that contribute to finding the best wellness retreat in India we must mention that Nimba, a wellness center, has a large number of services to offer to you that can prove to be a memorable experience and a magnificent relaxing session.