गर्मियों में वज़न घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार ?

गर्मियों में वज़न घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार

गर्मियों में वज़न घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार ?

By: Nimba - February 15, 2022

“ मेरा वज़न कम नहीं हो रहा है ”, “कितनी भी महेनत करलूं पर कोई असर नहीं हो रहा है” “ में कितना भी मन मारलूं पर फर्क नहीं पड़ रहा ” ऐसी बातें अकसर लोग सोचते है और अपने आप पे ध्यान देना छोड देते है । हमारा खानपान और आधुनिक जीवन पद्धति के परिणाम स्वरूप कई लोगो में वज़न बढ़ने की या मोटापे की समस्या देखने को मिलती है। ऐसे तो यह कोई समस्या बड़ी नहीं है पर बढते वज़न के कारण आगे चलके हमें स्वास्थ्य संबंधित कई समस्यॉंए हो सकती है। इस लिए आज ही से अपने बढ़ते वज़न को रोकें, स्वास्थ जीवनशैली की और जाएं। स्वस्थ जीवनशैली के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा पद्धति के अलावा कोई दूसरा विकल्प नहीं हो सकता। प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार के अनुसार खान पान की कुछ आदतों में बदलाव ला कर हम  बढते वज़न को रोक सकते है, जिसे हमें कई शारीरिक लाभ भी होते है।  

स्वास्थ्य वर्धक खानपान और व्यायाम करने के लिए सर्दियों के मौसम को सबसे अच्छा समय माना गया है पर सर्दियों के ठंडे वातावरण में शरीर को गरम रखने के लिए ज़्यादा उर्जा की जरूरत पडती है। शारीरिक उर्जा को बढ़ाने के लिए शरीर का मेटाबोलिक रेट बढ़ता है और व्यक्ति को ज्यादा भूख लगती है।  इस वजह से वजन कम करने की बात हो तो सर्दियों से ज्यादा गर्मियों को अच्छा समय माना जाता है।

अपने बी.एम.आई के बारे में जाने 

वज़न कम करने से पहले हर किसी को अपने बी.एम.आई के बारे में जानना बेहद जरूरी है।

एक स्वस्थ व्यक्ति का वज़न उसकी ऊंचाई के परिपेक्ष्य में होना चाहिए। जीसे हम बॉडी मास इन्डेक्स के नाम से जानते है। यह एक आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर मान्य मानक है। बॉडी मास इन्डेक्स वज़न और कद पर आधार रख़ते है।   

बी.एम.आई = वज़न (कि.ग्रा) / कद (से.मी) 

  • अगर आपका बी.एम.आई 18.5 से कम है तो आप जान ले की आपका वज़न कम है ।
  • आपका बी.एम.आई  18.5 से 24.9 के बीच आता है तो आपका वज़न सामान्य है।
  • अगर 25 से 29.9 के बीच बी.एम.आई आए तो ओवरवेईट है।
  • अगर आपका बी.एम.आई 30 से ज्यादा आए तो ओबेसिज़ है।

अपने कद के हिसाब से जान लें की आपका कितना वज़न ज्यादा है और जानकारी प्राप्त करके आप सुनिश्चित करें की आपको कितना वज़न कम करना है।   

 तो आज हम जानेंगे कैसे गर्मियों में कुछ खास प्रकार के खानपान की आदतों से वज़न कम कर सकते है।

ज़्यादा पानी पीए

सर्दियों में हमें ज़्यादा प्यास नहीं लगती है पर गर्मियों में धूप की वज़ह से हम बहोत जल्दी डि-हाईड्रेट हो जाते है, तो इस मौसम में हमें ज्यादा से ज्यादा पानी और तरल पदार्थो का इस्तमाल करना चाहिए। इस के अलावा कम कैलरी वाले पैय पदार्थ जैसे की नींबू पानी, ग्रीन टी, नारियल पानी इत्सादि का ज्यादा इस्तमाल करना स्वास्थवर्धक है। 

दहीं और छाछ का सेवन ज़्यादा करे 

गर्मिंओं के मौसम में ज्यादा मात्रा में शरीर से पानी पसीने के स्वरूप में बाहर निकल जाता है, साथ ही शरीर का तापमान भी ज्यादा रहेता है। ऐसे में आपको खाने में दहीं और छाछ का उपयोग ज्यादा करना चाहिए। दहीं आपके पाचनतंत्र को ठीक रखता है साथ इसमें प्रोबेक्टेरियल तत्व होते है जो बढ़ते हुए वजन को कम करते है। दहीं से तैयार होती छाछ में भी ये गुण होते है जो पाचनतंत्र को बहेतर बनाता है और पेट को ठंडक भी देता है। साथ थी दहीं से शरीर को मिलने वाले केल्शियम को कम कैसे अनदेखा कर सकते है।

ज्यादा खाने से करे परहेज़ 

प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार पद्धति के अनुसार गर्मियों में हमेशा ज्यादा खाना खाने से परहेज करना चाहिए जिससे चयापचय की प्रक्रिया आसान हो जाती है। हो सके वहॉं तक थोड़ा थोड़ा खाना खाएं। अपने खानें में तरल पदार्थ, सब्ज़ीओं और फल का सेवन ज़्यादा करे। साथ ही हो सके तो अपना खाना एक साथ खाने की जगह उन्हे पुरे दिन में 5 थी 6 बार थोड़ा थोड़ा खाएं। जिससे खाना आसानी से पच जाए । 

सलाड़ खाना शुरु करें

जब आप अपना वज़न कम करना चाहते है, तो ये बेहद जरूरी है की आप खानें में फाईबर की मात्रा को संतुलित करें। हरी सब्जियॉं जैसे ककड़ी, गाजर, टमाटर और पत्ता गोबी जैसी सब्जियॉं का ताज़ा सलाड़ आप अपने खानें में जरूर से शामिल करें। सब्जियों में ज्यादा मात्रा में फाईबर होता है, यह फाईबर आपके पाचनतंत्र को ठीक रख़ता है साथ में आंतो में फसें कचरों को बहार निकालता है। यह लॉ कैलेरी फूड है जिससे आपका वज़न बेहद कम बढ़ता है।  

तरबूज खाएं

सारे फलों में तरबूज ऐसा फल है जिनमें 90% पानी होता है, इस लिए आप ये फल खाएं या फिर इसका ज्यूस बनाकर पीएं तो वो हमेशा आपको हाईड्रेट रखता है । साथ ही इस फल में केलरी बेहद कम होती है, इस वज़ह से आप कभी भी यह फल खाए तो आपका वज़न कभी भी बढ़ता नहीं है। इस लिए गर्मीओं में आप पेट भर के यह फल खाईए आपका वजन ख़ुद-बख़ुद कम हो जाएगा। 

 रोजाना करें ग्रीन टी का सेवन  

ज़्यादतर लोगों को चाई-कॉफी पीने की आदत होती है, इस आदत से आप अपने शरीर में काफ़ी ग्लुकॉज़ डालते है। अगर आप वज़न कम करना चाहतें है तो आप आज से ही ग्रीन टी पीना शुरू करें। ग्रीन टी में एंटीऑक्सिडन्ट का प्रमाण ज्यादा होता है। जिससे शरीर में मेटाबॉलिज्म तेज होता है और आप आसानी से वज़न कम कर सकते है। 

मोटे अनाज़ का खानें में करे इस्तमाल

अगर आप जल्दी से अपना वज़न कम करना चाहतें है और आप चाहतें है की आपका कम किया वज़न जल्दी से ना बढ़े तो प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार पद्धति में उल्लेख है की आपको अपने खाने में मोटे अनाज जैसे की रागी,ज्वार, बाजरे का उपयोग बढ़ाना चाहिए। मोटे अनाज में फाइबर ज्यादा मात्रा में पाया जाता है। जो आपके पाचन को बेहतर बनाता है, शरीर में ग्लूकोज का प्रमाण सामान्य करता है। रागी में हीमोग्लोबिन और कैल्शियम का प्रमाण ज्यादा होता है, साथ ही में यह डायबिटीज के दर्दीओं के लिए भी काफ़ी फायदेमंद है । बाजरा पेट को दुरुस्त करता है और हड्डियों को मजबूत बनाता है। 

यह कुछ आसान तरीके है जिससे आप अपने बढ़ते हुए वज़न को रोक सकते है। हर व्यक्ति का शरीर का प्रकार अलग होता है इस लिए वज़न कम करने के लिए आप विशेषज्ञ की मदद भी ले सकते है। जो आपको आपके शरीर के हिसाब से क्या खाना है, क्या नहीं ख़ाना वो बता सकते है। नींबा नेचर क्योर विलेज जो प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार पद्धति से रोगों का निदान करता है और वह आपको बढ़ते वज़न को घटाने के विषय में ज्यादा जानकारी देने में समर्थ है। यहाँ आपको प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार पद्धति के अनुसार खानपान की आदतों के बारे में विस्तार से बताया जाता है। खाने के साथ साथ कौन से व्यायाम और प्राकृतिक पद्धतियों से वज़न कम कर सकते है यह जानकारी आप नींबा नेचर क्योर विलेज से प्राप्त कर सकते है।  

  1. वज़न कम करने के घरेलू उपाय

वज़न करने के लिए कुछ घरेलु नुस्ख़े बहुत उपयोगी साबित हो सकते है। तो आओ जानते है उन चीज़ों के बारे में, 

  • जब भी प्यास लगें तब गरम पानी पीए 
  • खाने में हरी सब्ज़ी, सलाड और फल का सेवन करें
  • खानें में मोटे धान का इस्तमाल करें
  • एक साथ ज्यादा न खाएं 

2.  वजन घटाने के लिए डाइट चार्ट

वजन कम करने के लिए खाने पीने की आदतों में नियमितता बेहद जरूरी है। यह कुछ सामान्य नुस्खे है जिससे आप अपना वज़न कम कर सकते है। 

  • सुबह उठकर और रात को सोने से पहेले गुनगुना पानी पिए, अगर चाहें तो नींबू और शहद भी डाल सकतें है।
  • 20 से 30 मिनट कोई भी शारीरिक व्यायाम करें।
  • नाश्ते में कम कैलोरी वाला पोहा, उपमा, कॉर्नफ्लेक्स खाएं। चाय और कॉफी की जगह पर आप ग्रीन टी का उपयोग करे।
  • दोपहर के खाने में सलाह, कम तेल में पकी हुई सब्जी, दाल, चावल और रोटी खाएं साथ ही छाछ और दहीं ले। 
  • शाम को चाय के साथ लाईट वेट बिस्कीट ले सकते है। 
  • रात में खाना खाने से पहले सूप पीएं।
  • खाना कम कैलोरी वाला घर बना ही खाना खाएं। 

फास्ट फूड,  तला हुआ, ज्यादा घी वाला खाना और कॉल्डड्रिंक्स न लें। शक्कर का इस्तेमाल हो सके उतना कम करें। दिन में जितना हो सके उतना गरम पानी पीएं। 

यह कुछ सामान्य तरीके है, जिससे की वज़न कम कर सकते है, पर कुछ शारीरिक अवस्थाओं में इन तरीकों से वज़न कम नहीं होता । ऐसी स्थिति में कोई भी बदलाव करने से पहले अपने डॉक्टर से इस बारे में सलाह अवश्य लें।

3. वजन कम करने के लिए भोजन

खानपान में कुछ बदलाव करने से आसानी से वज़न कम कर सकते है, इसलिए अपने खाने में इस प्रकार के बदलाव आप कर सकते है। 

  • खाने मेंं हरी सब्जियां, फल का इस्तेमाल ज्यादा करें। 
  • दहीं और छाछ का सेवन करें ।
  • रागी, ज्वार, बाजरे जैसे मोटे धान का खाएं । 
  • शक्कर का इस्तेमाल कम करें, शक्कर की जगह पे गुड़ या शहद का प्रयोग करें।

Learn The Best Ways To Lose Weight

weight loss methods in naturopathy

Learn The Best Ways To Lose Weight

By: - October 12, 2019


Weight loss methods, easy ways to reduce weight, reduce weight tips are few of the most often searched online terms as it is one of the major concerns in today’s life. 

Due to unhealthy lifestyle and work stress, people are suffering from obesity and other diseases related to it. But since they are tired of all the usual methods and their side effects, what they are constantly looking for is a natural treatment to lose weight. But to know that, you must first understand obesity and its nature.


Obesity, Its Causes & Effects


Obesity is a medical condition where excess fat accumulates in the body, which then gives birth to various health issues. Commonly, a person with a BMI greater than 30 is considered obese. 

Its usual causes are excess consumption of calories, living a sedentary life, insufficient sleep and obesity genes. It leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, joint problems, respiratory problems and psychosocial effects. So losing weight is not just a need, it’s a requirement.


The Different Weight Loss Methods Everyone Is Talking About


  1. Switching To A Healthier Diet Is The Best Weight Loss Method: Try to include fresh fruits and vegetables that have high fibre in your diet. Make sure to hydrate with enough water to flush out the toxins from the body. Reduce the intake of processed and fried food and include whole-grain food items in your daily diet. Avoid crash diets to lose weight as it can cause more health-related problems.Commonly known healthy food for weight loss includes green leafy vegetables, boiled potatoes, beans and legumes, soups, paneer, etc.
  2. Include Physical Activity On A Regular Basis For Weight loss: It is important to include physical activity in your lifestyle to lose weight as it stabilizes the insulin level that helps in weight loss. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, play your favorite sport, take your dog for a walk, play with your children in the garden or go to work on a cycle. These easy weight loss methods will help to reduce all the excess pounds in the body. 
  3. Naturopathy treatment: One of the best ways for weight loss is through naturopathy treatment. It is a combination of a specific diet, physical & mental exercise and herbal treatment & therapies. It is a natural treatment to lose weight as it helps to treat the root cause of obesity without any side effects. 
  4. Medical Surgery For Weight Loss:  A medical surgery called bariatric surgery is performed on a person that is obese or overweight. After the surgery, the stomach loses the capacity to consume large number of calories.


Naturopathy Treatments For Weight Loss

Natural treatment to lose weight includes naturopathy therapies and treatments like Abhyangam, Udhvartan, deep tissue massage, etc. Let us see what these treatments involve:

  • Abhyangam: This naturopathy treatment involves medicated oils that contain certain ayurvedic herbs. A massage with such oils reduces cellulite from the skin and is a natural way to lose weight. 
  • Udhvartan: Naturopathy treatment like this has certain herbal powder and oils that are massaged on the whole body. It helps to cut cellulite and increase blood circulation. 


Nimba Naturopathy Centre– Delivering Exceptional Quality Treatment For Weight Loss

The team of expert healers at Nimba Naturopathy Centre provide some of the best natural treatments for weight loss. We also take care of the exercise routine, diet and nutrition. It also regulates the sleep cycle and helps to achieve a calm mindset with yoga and meditation. So visit Nimba for rejuvenating weight loss treatments and therapies and see a significant change in your weight.

Re-Thinking Exercise


Re-Thinking Exercise

By: - September 20, 2019

Each day is a new start!

What Is Fitness?

Humans are considered mentally and physically fit when they are able to carry day to day tasks with full energy without substantial exhaustion.

Why Is Fitness Often Ignored?

Humans often forget the importance of a healthy mind and body. Fitness is often ignored in the effort to maintain a balance between professional and personal lives. Along with this, laziness and the desire to not move out of one’s comfort zone add more to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Importance Of Physical And Mental Fitness

Individuals who are not physically fit have reduced energy levels, lower stamina, and are less productive. As a result they do not have the energy reserve to properly pursue their passions or spend quality time with their loved ones. It ultimately affects their professional and personal world, further deteriorating their mental fitness.

It is also possible that a person may exercise regularly, but he/she could be suffering from stress or anxiety. This affects their physical health as well. So we can surely surmise that physical and mental fitness go hand in hand and one should take care of both of them.

What Are The Consequences When Fitness Is Ignored?

One may go through various unwelcoming consequences if one tends to ignore fitness and decides to stay unfit. Some of the repercussions are mentioned below:

  • Obesity
  • Low energy level
  • Short breath
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Weak immunity system
  • Depression
  • Body image issues
  • Arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Poor blood flow

Among these, being overweight and obese are on the top as the majority of the country’s population in metro cities are suffering from it. So further in the article, more focus is on obesity and the tips and treatments for it.

Natural weight loss tips

People prefer to lose weight naturally without any medical surgery or allopathic medicines.

A healthy diet and regular exercise play a major role in keeping people healthy and losing weight. Some of the natural weight loss tips to stay fit are:

  • Go for a walk or run
  • Do not skip breakfast
  • Track your liquid calories
  • Take small steps each day to reach your fitness goal
  • Do not set unrealistic fitness targets
  • Minimise junk food from your lifestyle
  • Get enough sleep
  • Meditate
  • Eat meals in the correct portion
  • Chew meals properly
  • Reduce carbs from the meal

Naturopathy Treatment For Weight Loss

There are various wellness centres in India that deliver the best naturopathy treatment for weight loss. It includes naturopathy treatments like Abhyangam, Udhvartan, etc. Naturopathy also includes therapies like acupuncture, diet therapy, hydrotherapy, yoga exercises, and herbal massages that together contribute to treating obesity.

How Nimba Can Help To Treat Obesity?

Nimba provides the best naturopathy treatment for weight loss as mentioned above and more, under the guidance of some of the best healers. It helps to treat obesity and other related diseases that occur because of it. Along with physical fitness, Nimba takes care of your mental fitness too, with the help of yoga and meditation. A dincharya is planned that takes care of your eating, exercising, and sleeping habits. They also provide various herbal remedies and a suitable diet plan to provide permanent weight loss solutions.

Self Care For Good Health


Self Care For Good Health

By: - September 10, 2019

Self Care – What It Is And Why Is It Important?

Self-care is a conscious action taken by a human for the well being of their mind, body and soul.

Safeguarding your well being is in your hands. A human being cannot function efficiently without a healthy mind, body or spirit. Sometimes because of an unhealthy lifestyle or sometimes because of the constant juggle to balance family time and working hours, people tend to forget their health. Your ill health doesn’t only affect you but it also affects your family, social life and professional life. Therefore, it is important to take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy.


Lifestyle Diseases – They Are Affecting You

We often don’t realise how our day to day habits affect our lifestyle. Such habits make our lifestyle unhealthy, later giving birth to lifestyle diseases. Now what do we mean by an unhealthy lifestyle? 

Unhealthy eating habits like immense consumption of sweets, desserts and junk food leads to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, chronic heart diseases, etc. Excessive consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs lead to skin diseases, psychological disorders and several other mental illnesses. Sometimes due to work pressure or unhealthy habits, the sleep-wake cycle is disturbed. This creates an imbalance in the biological processes of the human body, as a result of which the human body suffers from lifestyle diseases.
When laziness and unhealthy habits come together to control the lifestyle of a human being, such diseases take birth in the human body.


How To Self Care?

  • Diabetes- Can it be treated?

Till now, no diabetes cure is there in the medical world. However, the effect of diabetes can be remitted by bringing the sugar level down. Naturopathy treatment for diabetes includes hydrotherapy and various ayurvedic medicines that can help to bring the sugar level down. A strict diet with no sugar and naturopathic remedies are potent natural remedies for diabetes.


  • Obesity- Is there a treatment for it?

Excessive fat accumulation in the body gives birth to various other physical and psychological disorders. Naturopathy treatment for obesity is fruitful in order to reduce excess fat layers from the body. Naturopathy treatment for obesity includes weight loss treatment like abhyangam, udhvartan, deep tissue massage, etc. Along with obesity natural treatment, a healthy diet, some herbal remedies and exercise can help you reduce that excess fat from your body.


  • Psychological disorders- How to treat them?

Depression, anxiety and hypertension can lead to mental stress and trauma. Poor nutrition, addiction of toxic substances like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, excessive work pressure, etc. can lead to such disorders. It can be treated with naturopathic treatments like mediation, raga therapy, etc.


Nimba- One-stop destination to remit lifestyle diseases

We have talked about self-care and lifestyle diseases above and suggested some natural ways to cure or remit their effect on the human lifestyle.

Nimba Nature Cure has some most of the renowned and experienced experts that deliver the best naturopathy treatments that could help you enjoy the benefit of a healthier lifestyle without any side effects. Nimba understands the importance of self-care and therefore they deliver the best naturopathy treatment and therapies to their customers. The therapies and treatments are customised as per individual body so that every customer receives the most appropriate and effective treatment.


detox your body


By: - July 13, 2019

The dictionary literally defines obesity as, ‘the state of being grossly fat or overweight.’ In terms of Body Mass Index, a BMI between 25 and 29.9 or more indicates that a person is carrying excess weight. Continuous and careless intake of fried or unhealthy food, irregular sleep pattern, irregular eating schedules, etc. lead to the blocking of various body channels and fat deposition. Obesity can cause a number of metabolic disturbances that include hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion, etc. It also affects mental health since people face body image issues and lack confidence at social events.

In a society that has constantly inundated us with the next best diet, it can be difficult to stay focused and know what’s actually beneficial and effective for healthy weight loss. We try various treatments for obesity and the common ones include crash diets and gymming. However, what we forget is how effective an ayurvedic treatment can be for losing weight. There are a number of ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.

Medicinal Herbs Or Plants

Although there are no magic pills as a part of ayurvedic treatment that can melt the fat away, there are some herbs that might help you in the process.

  1. Dandelion- Dandelion is a mild diuretic, laxative, and digestive aid that enhances fat metabolism.
  2. Cayenne Pepper- It works both as a medicinal herb and a spice that stimulates metabolism and serves as one of the best ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.
  3. Triphala and Brahmi also help in weight reduction. Easily obtainable fresh curry leaves, turmeric, mint and spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper are found to be very beneficial.

Experience All Six Tastes

Sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent are the six tastes that Ayurveda recognizes. Incorporating a balance of all these tastes in our daily diet works wonders. Sweet, sour and salty tastes are anabolic, or building, in nature and pungent, bitter, and astringent tastes, which are catabolic, or burning in nature.

Ayurvedic Massages

Deep, dry massages with herbal powders and pastes (Udwarthanam), massages with specific oils (Abhyanga) with a proper technique and herbal steam are great ayurvedic remedies for weight loss.

Proper Food And Water Intake

A glass of lukewarm water with lime juice and honey helps catalyze metabolism and purifies blood. Eat smaller meals and eat after every three hours.

At Nimba Nature Cure Village one undergoes a complete body and lifestyle analysis and then follows a meticulously planned diet tailor-made for every visitor. Ayurvedic treatment is the safest way to train your body and mind for weight loss. Ayurvedic treatments at Nimba will help you to flush out the toxins, expand self-awareness. The Ayurvedic treatments offered are seen to bring effective results and the best part about them is that once weight-loss is achieved through natural methods, it doesn’t witness a sudden increase. Nimba is known to offer one of the best ayurvedic treatments in India.

Try effective ayurvedic remedies for weight loss at Nimba Nature Cure Village & for more information contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91 81550 12274.

Naturopathy Diet for weight loss in summer


Naturopathy Diet for weight loss in summer

By: - April 24, 2019

A number of people misunderstand the definition of weight loss. Some people assume that little or no amount of food intake can bring forth the best system of weight loss. But that is absolutely wrong. Eating little or nothing can make the body weak, which can grab away its vitalisation and make the body unfit, that in turn results in weight loss. This type of weight loss is not healthy for the body.

So, what is the right way to lose weight? A naturopathy diet? How to do it? Will this method surely help you lose weight? Well, we are going to answer all of these questions in this article today and help you to arrive at a perfect conclusion.

In case you are willing to lose weight, the best way to do this is by eating a balanced diet. A balanced diet is one that enables you to consume a variety of nutrients together thus resulting in a healthy weight loss. But this is not it. There is a multitude of factors that play a crucial role in assisting your body to lose weight. What are they? Let’s find out!

Several people think that taking medicines prescribed by different doctors may help in reducing weight instantly. Wrong. These medicines sometimes turn out to be really harmful and they are only helping you to lose weight in an unfit manner. If you are looking forward to doing this the right way, then go for naturopathy treatment.

Naturopathy treatment is one that helps you to get rid of weight instantly with the help of natural remedies such as eating a naturopathy diet. Many other types of naturopathy treatment include exercising daily, drinking fruit juices and drinking tons of water.

Here are some of the best tips for naturopathy diet for weight loss in summer:

1. Drink ample water
This is an obvious method of weight loss in summer and the most crucial. Water has the ability to cut down calorie intake and burn the carbs that build inside our body very frequently. This is also a part of the naturopathy diet that will consistently help you to lose weight in summers.

2. Consume fruits and vegetables in more quantity
An array of fruits and vegetables help you to lose weight in the healthiest manner. Zuccini and Broccolli are the most common type of vegetables that help in losing weight massively. They are not just healthy but also tasty which will make the concept of losing weight during summer even more fun.

3. Fight the food obsession
If you are looking to lose weight in summer thoroughly, then you must remember to fight the food addiction else the naturopathy diet will be futile. You must make sure to avoid foods like processed foods, canned foods and more that add to the body fat instead of helping you to lose weight. This is an incredible method of losing weight during summer and makes for an important factor to consider while deciding to maintain a naturopathy diet.

4. Eat spicy foods
This one is good news for all the spice lovers, you must eat spicy foods for losing weight in summer. Wondering why? Well, spicy foods contain a compound called Capsaicin that contains the ability to burn fat inside your body. This is when food like Jalapenos, chilli peppers and green chillies should be eaten well.

5. Keep a count on your calories
For all those people who are taking a naturopathy diet, must know that keeping a count on calories every once in a while, is a very important task to do. These calories help you to understand exactly how much weight you have lost or will gain and thus will help you to keep yourself fit for longer.

6. The power of Green Tea
We all know that green tea is an important aspect to consider while choosing a naturopathy diet. Green tea has an incredible ability to help us to lose weight in no time and has proved to be greatly beneficial because of it. It helps to burn fat by a very high percentage which may enable you to enjoy the taste of this tea without worrying about gaining weight or fat in the body.

Nimba: A nature cure centre for weight loss in summer

Nimba is a nature cure centre that helps people to lose weight during summer with the help of simple naturopathy diet. It is a massive nature cure village that enables people to recover from their illnesses in the healthiest manner possible. It provides instant services to people and makes sure that the patients are treated at their best.
In case you want to lose weight during summer and are not sure about how to do it, Nimba can be the best assistance for a naturopathy diet during this time.

Is it healthy to lose weight in summer?

Well of course yes. If you are undertaking the correct measures to lose weight then it is not going to pose a threat to you. Weight loss should always be encouraged when done in healthy order. If you undertake scarce eating, then you are most likely to damage your health alongside severe weight loss that is going to make you look dull and weak. Make sure that the next time you think of losing weight, you consider the essential factors that will help you to do this in healthy order.


Losing weight can turn out to be very beautiful with the help of naturopathy diet. This type of diet not only helps you to reduce weight but also do the same in a manner that makes you look good and restores your health in the right amounts. There are many other types of fruits, vegetables and naturopathy diet that can confirm your good health and healthy weight loss. In case you wish to seek assistance from a nature cure centre, do not forget to consult Nimba as they are known for their incredible naturopathy diet services.