Coping With The Transition From Work From Home To Work From Office

Coping With The Transition From Work From Home To Work From Office

Coping With The Transition From Work From Home To Work From Office

By: - July 16, 2020

The outbreak of COVID-19 forced us to rethink the way we work. Work from home had brought many changes in our lives: change in the environment, daily routines, deadlines, stress levels, and all this boils down to our overall change in lifestyle. Initially, people were a little hesitant about the move, but with time they became very comfortable with it. Infact, working from home helped people in a lot of ways.

Focus on good health

Due to the lockdown and their strict norms, people were bound to stay indoors. Therefore, they started utilizing their free time by practicing yoga and meditation, eating healthy food, playing with their children, reading books, cooking new dishes, and many other activities. All this helped them to stay healthy and fit. They were able to give time to their growth and fitness and focus on wholesome wellness.

Spend time with families

People who used to stay alone in other cities or countries got the opportunity to come back home.  It also opened doors for people who went through depression and hard times in their work and personal lives. They were happy to be back since they could spend some quality time with their loved ones. Uniting again with family and other significant people that matter in our lives makes people feel happy. We could openly share and discuss all our problems, emotions, difficulties with them, and become stress-free.

Try home remedies

Coronavirus made us realize what it means to have a strong immune system. The fear of getting infected with the virus forced us to try and consume home remedies that strengthen our immunity. People started gargling with saline water, drinking kaadha, consuming food rich in Vitamin C, following sattvik diet to stay healthy and protected.

Now that we are back to our offices for work, we should not forget the good habits inherited during the lockdown. The virus has not yet disappeared entirely, but it is all the more increasing day by day. It will be beneficial if we continue taking daily precautions to ensure wholesome wellness, like doing regular yoga and meditation, consuming healthy food, trying home remedies, and improving our mental health.

We need to realize the seriousness of this pandemic and prepare ourselves to fight against it. For that, accepting the new normal along with taking utmost care of ourselves whenever we step outside our homes is now going to be the way of living. The new transition journey has taught us the importance of self-care, physically as well as mentally. We are now aware of specific physical health tips, but an ideal solution for improving mental health is through visiting a Naturopathy and wellness resort.

Nimba Nature Cure is a Naturopathy and wellness resort which is considered to be one of the best meditation retreats we have in India. It is situated in Gujarat. The place offers a unique opportunity for people to ensure wholesome wellness and improve mental health.

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

post lockdown plan

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

By: - April 10, 2020

How many of you already made your post lockdown plan? We all are super excited to hit the streets once the lockdown is over. Probably we are making plans to roam the entire city and hog on all the junk we missed while we were quarantined. Well, it’s fair only as we are super exhausted with the household chores we have to do, be it cleaning, dusting, cooking, and everything we can think of. It’s obvious to feel a pinch of excitement post lockdown period. 

One Stagnation, Multiple Revelations

However, let’s take some time and think about how well we have managed everything these 21 days. There are a lot of revelations about our approach towards our life. 

We probably never considered ourselves capable enough of managing the whole house without any maids, servants or helpers. A lot of us have entered the kitchen and are experimenting with food. We are trying to make tasty dishes at home, with all healthy ingredients, well, not all, but mostly healthy. 

Moreover, we are trying to inculcate a better work life balance. For a long time, our children, spouse, and grandparents have been demanding time and efforts, but due to work pressure, we weren’t able to balance everything. Here, we again have been given an opportunity to spend some good time with our loved ones. 

Hence, even though the lockdown has been annoying to us by diverting us from the routine, it is also doing us a favor by giving us some time for ourselves and our family.

The Test

But what about the post lockdown plan? As mentioned above, we all will be eagerly awaiting to rush on the streets and consume everything we missed. Suddenly, we will forget this quality time we had spent on our physical, mental, and spiritual growth and wellbeing. All these days we have been eating home cooked healthy food, and enhancing our immunity. Well, it wouldn’t be fair to ourselves if we got back to our not so healthy routine again.

Let’s take this as our exam. All these 21 days we have been preparing well for our upcoming exam. Post these 21 days, our test begins. The test contains the following questions: 

  1. Are we still eating home cooked healthy food? 
  2. Are we exercising and keeping track of our physical fitness? 
  3. Have we continued building and enhancing our immune system? 
  4. Has the work life balance continued, or has work taken over again? 
  5. How’s our overall well being? 

Amidst the post pandemic happiness and chaos, when everyone is on the streets, do yourself a favor and take a detour to Try Nimba Nature Cure. You’ve been isolated from not only people, but from nature as well. Sitting at home all day, away from nature, eventually harms us. This is the perfect opportunity to invest in your already growing health and immunity. We all have started appreciating our health and wellbeing during this pandemic. Do not harm it by getting back to the toxicity. Nimba Nature Cure is the perfect wellness centre for you to appreciate, acknowledge and enhance your wellness.

Lock in Your Good Health and Wellness During These Days of Lockdown.

yoga retreat in india

Lock in Your Good Health and Wellness During These Days of Lockdown.

By: - April 2, 2020

The novel coronavirus is spreading across the world and the best you can do is to stay at home and take preventive measures. However, the idea of staying at home can be a good turnover in your healthcare routine. You will be having a lot of time in your hand to look after your well-being. However, staying at home might also get tedious and frustrating. Although you will have good amount of time to spend with your family and yourself but you will have to keep a balance in your wellness and calm yourself during this period. So here is what you can do to calm yourself down and kill time in quarantine.

Eat Healthier

Your dietary habits are the foremost things that need to be addressed during the lockdown. However, you’ll need to follow social distancing and avoid panic buying and stocking up groceries and food items as the essential services are still up and running. Your dietary habits are the first thing you think about while making a resolution but you hardly get any time to follow that. So this might be the best time to eat healthier. A healthy diet is essential for physical and psychological health. It will certainly help in boosting your immunity and help you fight against several diseases.

  • Prepare yourself a fruit bowl while binge watching instead of snacking on chips and other sugary substances.
  • Prefer eating citrus fruits like oranges that are rich in Vitamin C. Also, include refreshing fruits such as grapes, pineapples, watermelons, etc. in your diet that would help you beat the summer heat as well.
  • Have a balanced diet that includes whole grains and leafy vegetables. A diet that includes spinach, beets, beans, broccoli and other easily digestive foods. A healthy digestive system can help make you feel calmer and less agitated throughout the day.

Hoard Up Your Hobbies

The lockdown can be great retreat to escape the monotony and spend time with your family and even yourself. You can spend quality time with your family by playing various indoor games with them; watching movies with them; cooking and having all the meals of the day with them and helping them out in household jobs. You may also interact with your friends through social media and stay connected with them.

You may also rediscover your hobbies that you weren’t able to find time for in your busy lifestyles. A plethora of activities such as sketching, singing, playing video games, cooking and gardening. Engaging in the things you love and spending most of your time with your family might maintain those positive vibes and help you reduce stress.

Heal through Yoga and Meditation

Spare a few minutes of your day to meditate and listen to some calming music. Wake up early, practice Yoga and exercise regularly.

  • You can include basic exercises such as stretching, Pilates, sit-ups and push-ups in your morning routine.
  • Practising Yoga can help calm you down throughout the day. Even performing Surya Namaskar can be beneficiary for your physical wellness.
  • Meditating for at least 10 minutes in the morning can help you attain peacefulness.

Time Management is Essential

Although you might be having a lot of time throughout the day but you have to manage it wisely to avoid lethargy. Most of you would be working from home so plan your schedule accordingly. Don’t let the work interfere your personal time.

  • Get enough sleep for about 7-8 hours a day. It can be good time to recover your disturbed sleep cycle and it might further help in having a good mental and physical health.
  • Maintain a healthy dietary habit by avoiding snacks, getting a wholesome breakfast and lunch and a minimal amount of dinner.
  • Spend at least an hour a day for exercising and meditation. Moreover, try to balance work hours and personal time.

All of these factors can positive affect your mood and behaviour, and can help you in being calm and composed. During such times, Try Nimba Nature Cure urges you to stay at home and look after your physical and psychological wellness by implying natural and healthy food habits, and practising Yoga and meditation. Avoid panic buying and maintain social distancing. Stay Home, Stay Safe!