Relax And Treat Yourself With The Best

Retreat Yourself

Relax And Treat Yourself With The Best

By: - May 13, 2020

Nimba- A select retreat and finest wellness centre

We believe your health is a priority and so we focus on serving you the best. To ensure your wellbeing, we at Nimba follow major steps. Meditation, Medicinal therapies, Yoga are some of them. We ensure your physical, spiritual and psychological well being.

Yoga- A gift to mankind

Yoga and meditation heal the mind and calm the soul. They balance the body functioning, reduce stress and remove bad thoughts. In addition to that Yoga also regulates body heat. Besides that, it increases flexibility and muscle strength and improves metabolism

Meditation reduces body heat and cures many problems. Also, It reduces stress and helps in curing many diseases

We at Nimba guide you in the process of performing yoga. Our priority is Serve our customers with the best and here are certain aspects that make us the best.


Meditation is a vital exercise for the brain which reduces stress and keeps away the toxic thoughts. Plus, it is believed that meditation is one of the most ancient forms to calm the mind down. Besides this, it increases the attention span and works as a detox. for the thoughts.

Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga is one of the most ancient ways to treat many diseases. It involves various medicinal therapies that help in healing tensed muscles. Some mild therapies help in loosening the muscles. Moreover, it relaxes the body and freshens us up.

Power Yoga

Power Yoga is a vigorous form of yoga that helps to keep a person fit. This form of yoga improves the physique and strengthens the body. Also, it increases the stamina and flexibility of the body and is considered good for the heart.

Basti Yoga

Detoxifying is essential and this yoga cleans the lower abdomen. It also works as a refreshing treatment. Moreover, it nurtures the body tissues and improves digestion. Basti Yoga is an important form of Yoga

Yog Nidra

Yog Nidra is called yogic sleep. This form of sleep meditation reduces stress. Besides that, it helps in reducing anxiety and depression. Yog Nidra helps release tension and pain. It is one of the deepest relaxation yoga.


The meaning of the word ‘Yogasan” is body posture. Many forms of sitting yoga fall under yogasan. It mainly aims to improve physical body posture and physical health of the body.

Aquatic Yoga

Aquatic yoga is the Yoga in water that helps you feel calmer. It increases body flexibility. Above that, it benefits people having joint pain. It also improves body balance. Besides that, it improves body strength and reduces stress level.


Tratak Yoga is a purification yoga. One is supposed to stare at a single point or small object or candle in this yog. This yoga is good for eyes and strengthens eye muscles. It also works well to reduce insomnia. Besides this, it improves memory. This is one very ancient type of yoga.


The word ShatKarma means ‘six tasks’. It is a yogic body cleansing that removes blockages of nadis. It is good for sinus. Also, it cleanses the body thoroughly. One has to perform six techniques under this yoga for once mental benefits.


One very popular form of yoga with ample benefits. KapalBhati is very effective for a person who has breathing issues. Moreover, it removes gas, acidity and also helps in losing extra fat.  A regular practice can reduce stress and bring emotional stability. It’s considered as a cure for blood pressure, sugar and improves the reproductive system. Performing it early in the morning energizes the nervous system.


Shankhaprakshalana is to clean up. This is a process of cleaning the digestive system and cures various digestive problems. It also improves metabolism and cleans up body impurities. Apart from it, this yog purifies the blood and proves to be one vital form of yoga with many benefits.

From this, we can safely say that yoga and mediation are highly beneficial. Everyone should make them a part of their routine. During this time of Covid-19 Outbreak, it helps to improve immunity. Yoga works as resistance against many diseases and toxins. It calms down the people and helps reduce panic due to the Fear of the Outbreak of the disease.

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

post lockdown plan

Reschedule Your Post Lockdown Plans

By: - April 10, 2020

How many of you already made your post lockdown plan? We all are super excited to hit the streets once the lockdown is over. Probably we are making plans to roam the entire city and hog on all the junk we missed while we were quarantined. Well, it’s fair only as we are super exhausted with the household chores we have to do, be it cleaning, dusting, cooking, and everything we can think of. It’s obvious to feel a pinch of excitement post lockdown period. 

One Stagnation, Multiple Revelations

However, let’s take some time and think about how well we have managed everything these 21 days. There are a lot of revelations about our approach towards our life. 

We probably never considered ourselves capable enough of managing the whole house without any maids, servants or helpers. A lot of us have entered the kitchen and are experimenting with food. We are trying to make tasty dishes at home, with all healthy ingredients, well, not all, but mostly healthy. 

Moreover, we are trying to inculcate a better work life balance. For a long time, our children, spouse, and grandparents have been demanding time and efforts, but due to work pressure, we weren’t able to balance everything. Here, we again have been given an opportunity to spend some good time with our loved ones. 

Hence, even though the lockdown has been annoying to us by diverting us from the routine, it is also doing us a favor by giving us some time for ourselves and our family.

The Test

But what about the post lockdown plan? As mentioned above, we all will be eagerly awaiting to rush on the streets and consume everything we missed. Suddenly, we will forget this quality time we had spent on our physical, mental, and spiritual growth and wellbeing. All these days we have been eating home cooked healthy food, and enhancing our immunity. Well, it wouldn’t be fair to ourselves if we got back to our not so healthy routine again.

Let’s take this as our exam. All these 21 days we have been preparing well for our upcoming exam. Post these 21 days, our test begins. The test contains the following questions: 

  1. Are we still eating home cooked healthy food? 
  2. Are we exercising and keeping track of our physical fitness? 
  3. Have we continued building and enhancing our immune system? 
  4. Has the work life balance continued, or has work taken over again? 
  5. How’s our overall well being? 

Amidst the post pandemic happiness and chaos, when everyone is on the streets, do yourself a favor and take a detour to Try Nimba Nature Cure. You’ve been isolated from not only people, but from nature as well. Sitting at home all day, away from nature, eventually harms us. This is the perfect opportunity to invest in your already growing health and immunity. We all have started appreciating our health and wellbeing during this pandemic. Do not harm it by getting back to the toxicity. Nimba Nature Cure is the perfect wellness centre for you to appreciate, acknowledge and enhance your wellness.

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

boost your immunty

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

By: - April 7, 2020

To break the chain of the pandemic novel coronavirus, you are supposed to stay at home and take precautions to boost your immunitys. Staying at home means that you will be having plenty of time to implement new habits in your lifestyle to contribute towards your wellness. The time span of 21 days can be considered ideal to make positive changes in your lifestyle. The healthier habits can lead to a stronger immune system and can make you less vulnerable towards diseases. These habits include positive changes in both of your dietary and lifestyle changes. You will have to adapt to natural ways in implementing healthy habits to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what you can do:

Develop the habit of hygiene

This becomes the most important aspect towards strengthening your immune system. You should develop hygienic habits for your body and for your surroundings as well. Wash your hands at regular intervals with soap and clean water. This reduces the chance of any harmful elements entering your body.

Keep the stress levels low

Reduced stress levels lead to healthier immune systems. There are certain natural ways you can implement to keep your stress at bay.

  • Get enough sleep as it helps in reducing stress, leading you to function properly and furthermore boosting your immunity naturally.
  • Add your home with plenty of plants as they help increase the oxygen in and around your home and that can help you be calm and serene.
  • Meditation is a must thing to reduce stress. It helps sooth your mind and attain peacefulness. Listen to the mellow and calming music while meditating.

Exercise regularly

Exercising and engaging in physical activities keeps your body flowing. This further helps in boosting your immune system.

  • Exercising daily, even running, stretching and skipping can help you break the lethargy and keep your body moving.
  • Practising Yoga everyday helps in enhancing your blood circulation which also leads to a stronger immune system.
  • A balanced and a scheduled routine that includes a healthy sleep cycle, exercising, Yoga, meditation and a proper diet can help you boost your immunitys naturally.

Improve dietary habits

A healthy dietary plan can be implemented to strengthen your immune system. It is advisable to include more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts in the diet. Although, the following food options can be considered healthy and helpful in preventing illnesses but you cannot mistake them as the cure for coronavirus. Such foods only help in making you less vulnerable towards the illnesses.

  • Green leafy vegetables are essential to boost your immunitys. Spinach, broccoli, ginger, garlic, etc. can be included in your regular diet as they lower your blood pressure and provide you essential antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can be consumed as they are rich in Vitamin C, that helps tackle illness such as cold and cough.
  • Always stay hydrated and reduce added sugar in your diet.

Nimba Nature Cure urges you to maintain social distance and not to consider the above as the cure for COVID-19. The above mentioned factors only help in boosting your immunity and keep you away from the illnesses, to maintain a healthier body. Nimba promotes natural remedies and naturopathy for an overall healthy body.