Breathing Issues? Try Naturopathy Approach To Asthma


Breathing Issues? Try Naturopathy Approach To Asthma

By: - August 14, 2018

Asthma is the condition where the airways of the lungs are swollen due to allergens such as molds, pollens, dust, etc. or food-based allergens such as milk, eggs, meat, etc. Ultimately a patient experiences breathlessness due to constricted airways and excessive mucus. The severity of Asthma differs from person to person and in rare cases, it might lead to death.

If you experience acute breathing issues often, that could be Asthma. Don’t ignore it, get it treated naturally.

Reacting to allergens is our body’s natural response and it is difficult to remove that tendency of the body. But with adequate care and protection, one can reduce the instances of Asthma attack effectively.

Naturopathy approach to Asthma:

  • Avoid exposure to materials you are allergic to. You can opt for a wellness vacation away from the city to breathe clean and fresh air.
  • Get a proper diet plan and diet therapy if you are allergic to certain foods
  • Go for Panchakarma Treatment for clearing out the respiratory system from toxins and allergens.
  • Do yoga for Asthma cure. Yoga helps in strengthening the respiratory system without any use of drugs.
  • Infuse Ayurvedic remedies to your daily routine. Ayurvedic remedies will help to regularize the hormones and purify blood.
  • Using wet-pack on chest region helps in getting relief from congestion and strengthens the lungs
  • Massage on the back with herbal powders and oils also helps in strengthening the lungs
  • Avoid putting excessive stress on the respiratory system during exercises

Contemporary system of medicine has not been able to find a cure for Asthma yet. However, there are ancient wisdom and traditional system of medicine such as Naturopathy have been effective in controlling Asthma. At Nimba Naturecure, you can learn the correct diet and lifestyle which is suitable as per your body type or Prakriti. Try Naturopathy approach for Asthma, it works!