Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

get well soon, naturopathy

Freedom From ‘Get Well Soon’

By: - August 9, 2019

How many times a year do you receive this text, ‘Get well soon’, from your friends?

Seasonal climate changes, viral infections, consumption of junk food, not eating the right kind of food, not consuming enough water, etc.,are various reasons why we frequently fall ill. There is a bigger umbrella under which all these illnesses fall. The reason is low immunity and low resistance against diseases. While growing up, we all often heard the phrase, ‘prevention is better than cure’ and ‘say no to procrastination’ but failed to apply it in daily life.

To make yourself immune to diseases, you first have to take preventive measures at the right time. There are various naturopathy treatments that not only help us feel better but also boost the immune system.


Remember your A-B-C-D-Es.

Lack of nutrients and minerals reduce immunity. The body specifically needs Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, D And E for a good resistance against diseases. It is essential to identify which foods provide which nutrients and include a balance of all in our diets.


Chant the Super Mantra- “OM”

While stress does affect the body in a physical way, it has a number of ill-effects on mental and emotional well being which includes a reduced immune response. Stress-reducing naturopathy treatments include meditation, massages and even learning and implementing proper breathing techniques.


Increase Sleep

Naturopathy treatments suggest that for holistic wellness, as the season changes, our sleeping patterns should change too. This is because our body actually requires an adequate amount of sleep to build our immune system or repair what has been damaged due to some illness. Ideally, one should sleep between 10-11PM and wake up between 6-7AM.


Herbal Teas & Tinctures-

Echinacea is a North American plant of the daisy family, whose roots are used in herbal medicine, largely for its antibiotic and wound-healing properties. It finds an extensive use in prevention medicine and naturopathy treatment as well.


Increase Intake Of Warm Foods

A human body requires more internal heat during winters or autumns, mainly to fight off infections. Bone broths, soups and stews are a great way to get all the nutrients required to increase immune functions. Increase food intake especially from allium family- garlic and onions as they possess great antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties.

There are various other naturopathy treatments that help the body not only fight against diseases but also prevent them from happening altogether. At Nimba Nature Cure Village, naturopathic treatments by expert healers impart pure holistic wellness to you. Delve into wellness with the naturopathy treatments at Nimba that relax your body and soul. Nimba is the best place to experience harmless, tested, and trusted naturopathy treatments in Western India. If you are looking for rejuvenating & stimulating experience and healthy life, come and experience Nimba.