The Eight Facets of Wellness

The Eight Facets of Wellness

The Eight Facets of Wellness

By: - September 9, 2017

Improvising wellness by focusing and acting on each of the given dimensions diagnoses early mortality from treatable and preventable measures. Accepting wellness is all about embracing a lifestyle and livelihood that transforms you into the healthiest “you”. On talking about the different dimensions of wellness or what are the areas that determine our overall well-being, the aspects are divided into eight different fragments. They are:


1. Emotional wellness
2. Financial wellness
3. Social wellness
4. Spiritual wellness
5. Occupational wellness
6. Physical wellness
7. Intellectual wellness
8. Environmental wellness


Emotional well-being is associated with how you are feeling inside and how expressive you are while exchanging thoughts, ideas and emotions with people. Emotional wellness means stability in your emotions, ability to express oneself freely and having a positive outlook towards everything around.


Financial well-being is referred as having stability, consistency and command over your finances. If you have a good idea about your financial inflow as well as outflow, if you have at least one regular source of income and you are able to manage your finances smoothly, then you achieved financial wellness.


Social wellness seems true when all your relations and social circles, be it your family, your friends, your colleagues from work or your relatives near and far go hand in hand. When all the relations prevailing in your life are in harmony, you are socially active, people recognize you from a positive viewpoint and being around people makes you happy, then that is called Social wellness.


On talking about spiritual wellness, it should be kept in mind that spirituality does not necessarily mean sitting for meditations unwillingly. Spiritual wellness means bringing your soul at peace, finding connectivity with nature, maintaining balance in life and staying calm no matter what you do. One must find out time to discover his own set of beliefs and values, what matters the most to him and what should be the ultimate goal in life; beyond the materialistic accomplishments.


Occupational wellness as the name suggests concerns with how content you are with the occupation you are presently in. When you take up an occupation or do what you are passionate about, it is certain to make you happy feel at peace.


Physical wellness is achieved with the health and well-being of one’s own body. And in order to have a healthy body, you need to eat right, exercise regularly and adopt healthy habits. Try reducing stress from your lifestyle, take proper sleep and stay in a peaceful, clean environment.


When you expand your level of intellect by acquiring knowledge through experiences, travelling, reading, writing and observing events happening around, you attain a certain level of intellectual wellness. Open up to new ideas, philosophies, insights and wisdom. Listen to people and learn from their experiences and wisdom.


A calm, peaceful environment soothes the soul and pacifies our deepest anxieties. A lot of clutter and clamour can be sorted by just staying in a peaceful surrounding. And that’s what we call a state of environmental wellness- surrounding yourself with an energizing, refreshing atmosphere that feels safe too.


We at Nimba Nature Cure Village believe that fulfilling all the eight dimensions of wellness leads to one’s overall well-being. And thus, we promote different dimensions of wellness in a fully fledged form. We are the catalysts in providing people with a healthy, happy and satisfying life within the community. To know more about Nimba, visit