10 Simple Ways To Take Care Of Yourself While You Get Back To Work

Nimba nature care

10 Simple Ways To Take Care Of Yourself While You Get Back To Work

By: - June 5, 2020

It’s been over 3 months since the virus infiltrated our country and nothing has been the same ever since. The virus changed the whole country upside down. From work from home to cooking and trying different dishes, a lot of things have changed. But as we are moving out of this lockdown there are a few things that we need to consider while going back to work by breaking your work-from-home routine.

Simple Ways To Take Care Of Yourself While You Get Back To Work

1. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly:

When reaching the workplace, the first thing to be done is to wash your hands with a disinfecting soap/ hand wash for at least 20 seconds, or a sanitizer when water is not readily available.

2. Clean your surface with a disinfectant regularly:

We must clean our office surfaces like table, chair, and desks objects like telephone, pen stand etc. regularly as contamination on the surface touched by employees and customers is one of the main ways that COVID-19 spreads.

3. Maintain at least 2 meters of distance with your colleagues and employees:

As this virus spreads from person to person it becomes extremely important to maintain physical distance at your workplace while going back to work which would curb the spread of this disease.

4. Have better respiratory hygiene at the workplace:

Ensure that everyone in the workplace wears a mask while communicating with other colleagues. Apart from that, also ensure that the workplace has a good ventilation system so you do not feel suffocated. Sunlight and fresh air will help in boosting our immunity system.

5. Try natural remedies to boost your immune system:

Turmeric (Haldi), Basil (Tulsi), and Mint (Pudina) topped with some lemon juice can be an excellent immunity booster as they help fight this virus. Increasing the intake of vitamin C in your diet also helps in boosting your immunity.

6. Opt for a shift system to avoid mass gathering:

Unless it is absolutely necessary, divide your employees into shifts so that we can avoid gathering, which will decrease the chances of contamination of the virus.

7. Advise your employee to take leave in case of any illness:

If your employee is not feeling well, ask him/her to take rest and work from home, as there might be a risk of contamination for other employees in the workplace. Show empathy towards them as we are fighting the virus and not the victim of the virus. (as we are fighting infection and not the infectious).

8. Upgrade your First Aid Kit:

A pack of disposable masks and a bottle of sanitizer should be included in your regular first aid kit as this might be essential for evading the virus.

9. Daily Meditation and Yoga:

Studies have shown that the people who do yoga and meditation regularly have seen some miraculous changes in their bodies, it not only boosts your immunity system but it also improves mental health.

10. Make the necessary information accessible to every employee:

Try making posters and informative for all the necessary information so that employees can be aware of the situation and can take necessary action during these times.

By following these 10 simple steps you can not only protect yourself from this deadly virus but will also ensure corporate wellness in your organization as these steps cover both physical and mental corporate wellness. So are you ready to get back to the new normal?

Natural Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety During COVID 19

Nimba nature care

Natural Ways To Manage Stress And Anxiety During COVID 19

By: - May 29, 2020

The covid19 pandemic is probably going to have a negative impact on mental wellness, worldwide, as billions of people are forced to isolate at home, which has been increasing the problem of anxiety. A recent survey in Britain showed a wide range of fears arising from the pandemic. As the symptoms of coronavirus are likely to continue for some time, even after the lockdown is eased, let us understand anxiety and panic attack, and the possible ways of overcoming them.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is the body’s natural reaction to stress. The feelings of fear and apprehension are derived from uncertainty.

It is normal to feel anxious when our safety, financial stability, health, or happiness is threatened. At times, anxiety can become overwhelming and disruptive as well, leading to anxiety disorder. Excessive and lasting bouts of fear may lead to serious anxiety problems.

Symptoms of anxiety disorders:

Anyone may experience these symptoms during stressful times. However, individuals with anxiety disorders may experience them in absence of evident stress, with more severe symptoms and/or with many symptoms appearing together.

  • Inability to relax or feeling restless
  • Unrealistic worry
  • Difficulty falling asleep or not sleeping enough
  • Rapid pulse or pounding, feeling of heartbeat or palpitation
  • Nausea, chest pain or pressure
  • Feeling a “lump in the throat”
  • Dry mouth
  • Irregular breathing, shallow breathing
  • Feelings of dread, apprehension or a loss of control
  • Trembling or shaking, sweating or chills
  • Fainting or dizziness, feelings of detachment
  • Suicidal thoughts

What is a panic attack?

A Panic attack is an abrupt surge of extreme fear and discomfort that peaks within minutes. Panic attacks can be caused by heredity, chemical imbalances, stress and the use of excessive stimulants (such as caffeine or drugs)

Here Are 7 Holistic Tips To Deal With Anxiety And Panic Attacks:


  1. Be realistic- First of all, be in the present and in a conscious state. Try to understand what is really happening around right now, rather than what you imagine might happen.
  2. Stay active- Being at home, most people spend their time sedentarily, consumed in gadgets, online games, sitting ideal etc., which affects our health negatively. Consider spending your time doing various activities and regular exercise or Yoga at least for one hour daily, which addresses anxiety and stress.
  3. Avoid caffeine- Caffeine is a stimulant. Caffeine stimulates our “fight or flight” response. Research studies have shown that this can make anxiety worse and can even trigger a panic attack.
  4. Say bye to alcohol- Alcohol is a natural sedative. After drinking alcohol, we feel calm and relaxed. However, once the boozing is over, anxiety will come back with a requital.
  5. Quality of sleep at night- Your phone, tablet, and TV emit light that keeps your brain awake, hence, try to limit them an hour before bedtime. Whether you sleep 5 hours or eight hours, it does not matter; what matters is quality of your sleep and how relaxed you feel after that. Relaxing in proper Savaasana [corpse pose] calms the brain and helps relieve stress and lower the blood pressure.
  6. Breathing- Focus on your breathing when you feel any symptoms of anxiety listed above. Mindful deep breathing in open or fresh air will give immediate results, helping your mind relax.
  7. Meditation- Meditation is known for relieving stress and anxiety. The prime intention of meditation is to get rid of your mind and from negative thoughts, thereby replacing them with a sense of peacefulness. Research studies suggest that 30 minutes of daily meditation may evade some anxiety symptoms and act as an antidepressant.

Quick Tips To Stay Fresh And Cool This Summer

Nimba nature care

Quick Tips To Stay Fresh And Cool This Summer

By: - May 9, 2020

Ayurveda is not a complex science. In Ayurveda simple measures can lead to an easier and healthier life. With today’s eating habits and lifestyle, we often end up causing an imbalance in body temperature. This may lead to many unwanted health issues. Here are 10 ways in which we can balance out our body heat and stay fresh, that can lead to a healthier life.

Avoid Soft-drinks and Ice

Now, this might come out as a shock but the ‘cold’ soft drinks can have an opposite effect on the body. And this increases body heat. Ice surges the body temperature and so it is highly recommended to avoid its consumption


Avoid Heat Producing Food

The quantity of food is more important than the type of food. It’s okay to eat a variety of food only if it is consumed in a limited portion. Some foods increase the body when consumed more than a necessary quantity. Food items like garlic, ginger, peanuts, black pepper, etc. are hot and should be avoided. Such food might damage the body in the long run. So, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of such food that induces the body heat.


Consume Food That Helps Balance Out the Body Heat.

Now, let’s talk about what food should be consumed to balance the body temperature and help it cool down.

  • Fruits and fruit juices keep your body cool and maintain body temperature. Therefore, consume more fruits. They will have a positive effect on the body.
  • Increase the consumption of green leafy vegetables
  • Milk, Coconut water, buttermilk, ghee also helps in reducing body heat.



Make It A Habit To Meditate

Along with a balanced diet, Meditation is equally important. Meditation relaxes the body. It also balances out the internal temperature. There are various forms of meditation. Pick Anyone convenient form of meditation and make a habit to perform it on a regular basis. This will help the body remain fit and balance out the body heat.

Praying Helps!

Praying helps in relaxing the mind, keeping the body fit. It also calms the mind down. Praying also –

  • Strengthens the heartbeat
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Regulates body temperature


Avoid hot drinks.

Hot drinks and beverages might cause Pitta Dosha. This creates an imbalance in body temperature. Therefore avoid such drinks which might increase the body temperature, harming it in a longer run. It is recommended to drink liquids only at room temperature.


Choose To Work-Out

With all other benefits of exercise, it also regulates body temperature. So it is highly advised to workout in one form or the other. Be it jogging, swimming, walking or exercise.


Treat Yourself With Therapies

Therapies have many benefits. Unique kinds of therapies help the body differently. The most common benefit is the improvement in blood circulation. This helps in regulating the body temperature. There are therapies like hydrotherapy, spine/foot bath, ion detox therapy, and many more. Nimba Nature Cure offers various such relaxation and medicinal therapies to regulate the proper functionality of the body.


Play outdoors!

After a hectic day at work or even after a lot of studies, it becomes important to relax your mind and body. Playing outdoor games is one simple solution. It rejuvenates your mind and freshens you up. It also regulates body temperature.


Don’t Forget To Enjoy!

The key to a healthy mind and a healthy body is to stay happy from the inside and remain in peace. And therefore it is advisable to enjoy yourself. One should do more of what makes you happy.

10 Reasons Why Detox Is Important

detox treatment in india

10 Reasons Why Detox Is Important

By: - May 9, 2020

We hear a lot about detoxification these days. But did you know it was a therapy developed in the early 1920s! Detox therapy naturally removes body toxins. So, why do we need a Detox?

Our busy lifestyle pattern leads us to poor food choices. We also end up taking a lot of stress. Also, We don’t undergo physical strain. This might have an adverse effect on our body. Hence, it becomes very important for us to detox our body, once in a while.

Nowadays, there are special places and retreats where we can stay and detoxify our body. These special retreats guide us in the process of Detoxification.

The Nimba Naturopathy Centre also has detox centres where the specialists guide in the detoxification process.

Why Is Detox Important?

Detox Helps In Removing Body Toxins

This therapy removes the body toxins. Our poor eating habits lead to poor digestion. This is due to unwanted waste in the stomach. So, it becomes important to purify the body after regular intervals.

Detox Helps In Losing Weight

We tend to face the problem of obesity due to lack of exercise and uneven eating habits. This leads to poor digestion. It also increases body toxins. When we detoxify our body, you lose toxins. This helps us in losing weight.

detox your body

Detox Energizes Your Body

When the body toxins increase, our body becomes lazy. When you detoxify, it freshens up the organs. It also improves blood circulation. The aura of such retreat relaxes and energizes the mind and the body.

Detox Helps Your Skin Glow

Our skin is very sensitive. And we often forget to pamper it. It is the only organ exposed to pollution directly. It is highly toxic and in utter need of freshness. Therefore we should regularly detoxify our skin. This will bring back the radiant skin and its freshness. It also helps in getting rid of acne and oily skin.

Detox Can Help Improve Your Mental Health

Detox can improve your sense of well being. It helps you feel good, which is the whole point of everything mentioned above. It freshens up and calms down the mind. The environment of such retreats generates positive vibes. This improves one’s mental health.

Detox Helps In Getting Rid Of Unnecessary  Food Cravings.

Detox retreats keep us away from sugar and carbs. These things anyway are harmful to the body in the long run. But they are very tempting and one cannot resist them. When you do not consume these products for sometime, your craving for them decreases.

Your Body Needs Detox

In our busy routines, we don’t get time to take care of ourselves. We don’t generally detox but it is essential. So step forward and take a detoxify treatment. In this way, one can eat healthy in a pollution free environment for about 10 days. This will help in energizing the body.

Detox Stimulates Body’s Natural Detox Process

Due to our unhealthy eating habits, we end up disturbing the natural detox process. In this scenario, it becomes important to take external help. Detox therapy flushes out body waste. This results in the normal functioning of our natural detox system. This avoids many health problems.

We all need Some Me Time

What can be better than spending time with one’s ownself. Sometimes taking a break, pampering yourself, giving yourself proper sleep and self care is all you need. This does not only heal you physically, but it also heals you mentally and emotionally. It detoxifies your thoughts and helps you think clearly. And so one should definitely try detox therapy after regular intervals.

detox therapy

How Can Detox Help In The Current Scenario?

In today’s times, with Covid-19 outburst, it is very important to stay immune. The virus weakens the immune system, making it tough to recover. Detox strengthens the immune system. It also energizes the body which in summer and in this situation is a necessity.

Raga Therapy: The Healing Power Of Music

music therapy india

Raga Therapy: The Healing Power Of Music

By: - April 14, 2020

Music. The word gives us some feelings; sometimes happy, sometimes not so happy, sometimes peaceful, sometimes just a feeling, indescribable. Well, that’s not all that music does, it heals. Raga therapy, a practice that follows a series of selected notes, known as Ragas, which evoke the emotions required to heal and calm the body and mind. 

This therapy heavily contributes to the psychological, sociological and academic improvement. It is capable of healing health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, anxiety, stress, and other lifestyle disorders. Raga therapy is a safe alternative for medical interventions. It leads to relaxation and calms the mind from any disturbing thoughts.

Raga therapy consists of a whole range of emotions that can be captured and communicated via melodies and certain rhythms. Not only the person taking Raga Therapy is benefitted, but also the person providing it. It gives a soothing effect to the giver and the receiver. 

Raga therapy is a customized therapy that varies from person to person, according to their needs and requirements, however, there are some common benefits of the therapy.


  1. A support system: People who are grieving are mostly anxious and stressed, and hence are unable to keep themselves calm. Raga Therapy is a rescue option for them to divert their thoughts towards positivity with the help of the calmness of Ragas. 
  2. Reduces stress and tension: Known for being a borrower of sounds from nature, Raga therapy includes the melodies of nature such as the humming of birds, the sound of wind, or the sound of water droplets. These sounds do an amazing job of relaxing the mind and taking the person away from stress or anxiety. 
  3. Assists memory and imagination: When toxicity and negativity are removed from the mind, one gets an open space to think, imagine and retain the positive thoughts. Hence, it also helps improve the memory. 


Well known for its Raga therapy, Nimba has been helping people heal people with the melodies of Raga. With a wide range of themes, Nimba offers specific music for common problems such as hypertension, anger, stomach disorders, and more. Because these problems are common, the gravity of these problems are often ignored, and one fails to understand the degree to which they affect them.

However, apart from Raga therapy, Nimba offers naturopathic treatments for different kinds of ailments, be it respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculo skeleton or endocrine problems. Nimba Nature Cure is one of the largest wellness and naturopathy centres in India which can benefit you from distinctive synergisms between modern science, traditional practices and ancient wisdom. 

With the help of ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga & meditation, physiotherapy , and special therapies , Nimba restores the optimum health of the body.

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

boost your immunty

Natural ways to boost your immunity and to fight coronavirus

By: - April 7, 2020

To break the chain of the pandemic novel coronavirus, you are supposed to stay at home and take precautions to boost your immunitys. Staying at home means that you will be having plenty of time to implement new habits in your lifestyle to contribute towards your wellness. The time span of 21 days can be considered ideal to make positive changes in your lifestyle. The healthier habits can lead to a stronger immune system and can make you less vulnerable towards diseases. These habits include positive changes in both of your dietary and lifestyle changes. You will have to adapt to natural ways in implementing healthy habits to strengthen your immune system. Here’s what you can do:

Develop the habit of hygiene

This becomes the most important aspect towards strengthening your immune system. You should develop hygienic habits for your body and for your surroundings as well. Wash your hands at regular intervals with soap and clean water. This reduces the chance of any harmful elements entering your body.

Keep the stress levels low

Reduced stress levels lead to healthier immune systems. There are certain natural ways you can implement to keep your stress at bay.

  • Get enough sleep as it helps in reducing stress, leading you to function properly and furthermore boosting your immunity naturally.
  • Add your home with plenty of plants as they help increase the oxygen in and around your home and that can help you be calm and serene.
  • Meditation is a must thing to reduce stress. It helps sooth your mind and attain peacefulness. Listen to the mellow and calming music while meditating.

Exercise regularly

Exercising and engaging in physical activities keeps your body flowing. This further helps in boosting your immune system.

  • Exercising daily, even running, stretching and skipping can help you break the lethargy and keep your body moving.
  • Practising Yoga everyday helps in enhancing your blood circulation which also leads to a stronger immune system.
  • A balanced and a scheduled routine that includes a healthy sleep cycle, exercising, Yoga, meditation and a proper diet can help you boost your immunitys naturally.

Improve dietary habits

A healthy dietary plan can be implemented to strengthen your immune system. It is advisable to include more plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts in the diet. Although, the following food options can be considered healthy and helpful in preventing illnesses but you cannot mistake them as the cure for coronavirus. Such foods only help in making you less vulnerable towards the illnesses.

  • Green leafy vegetables are essential to boost your immunitys. Spinach, broccoli, ginger, garlic, etc. can be included in your regular diet as they lower your blood pressure and provide you essential antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons can be consumed as they are rich in Vitamin C, that helps tackle illness such as cold and cough.
  • Always stay hydrated and reduce added sugar in your diet.

Nimba Nature Cure urges you to maintain social distance and not to consider the above as the cure for COVID-19. The above mentioned factors only help in boosting your immunity and keep you away from the illnesses, to maintain a healthier body. Nimba promotes natural remedies and naturopathy for an overall healthy body.

Lock in Your Good Health and Wellness During These Days of Lockdown.

yoga retreat in india

Lock in Your Good Health and Wellness During These Days of Lockdown.

By: - April 2, 2020

The novel coronavirus is spreading across the world and the best you can do is to stay at home and take preventive measures. However, the idea of staying at home can be a good turnover in your healthcare routine. You will be having a lot of time in your hand to look after your well-being. However, staying at home might also get tedious and frustrating. Although you will have good amount of time to spend with your family and yourself but you will have to keep a balance in your wellness and calm yourself during this period. So here is what you can do to calm yourself down and kill time in quarantine.

Eat Healthier

Your dietary habits are the foremost things that need to be addressed during the lockdown. However, you’ll need to follow social distancing and avoid panic buying and stocking up groceries and food items as the essential services are still up and running. Your dietary habits are the first thing you think about while making a resolution but you hardly get any time to follow that. So this might be the best time to eat healthier. A healthy diet is essential for physical and psychological health. It will certainly help in boosting your immunity and help you fight against several diseases.

  • Prepare yourself a fruit bowl while binge watching instead of snacking on chips and other sugary substances.
  • Prefer eating citrus fruits like oranges that are rich in Vitamin C. Also, include refreshing fruits such as grapes, pineapples, watermelons, etc. in your diet that would help you beat the summer heat as well.
  • Have a balanced diet that includes whole grains and leafy vegetables. A diet that includes spinach, beets, beans, broccoli and other easily digestive foods. A healthy digestive system can help make you feel calmer and less agitated throughout the day.

Hoard Up Your Hobbies

The lockdown can be great retreat to escape the monotony and spend time with your family and even yourself. You can spend quality time with your family by playing various indoor games with them; watching movies with them; cooking and having all the meals of the day with them and helping them out in household jobs. You may also interact with your friends through social media and stay connected with them.

You may also rediscover your hobbies that you weren’t able to find time for in your busy lifestyles. A plethora of activities such as sketching, singing, playing video games, cooking and gardening. Engaging in the things you love and spending most of your time with your family might maintain those positive vibes and help you reduce stress.

Heal through Yoga and Meditation

Spare a few minutes of your day to meditate and listen to some calming music. Wake up early, practice Yoga and exercise regularly.

  • You can include basic exercises such as stretching, Pilates, sit-ups and push-ups in your morning routine.
  • Practising Yoga can help calm you down throughout the day. Even performing Surya Namaskar can be beneficiary for your physical wellness.
  • Meditating for at least 10 minutes in the morning can help you attain peacefulness.

Time Management is Essential

Although you might be having a lot of time throughout the day but you have to manage it wisely to avoid lethargy. Most of you would be working from home so plan your schedule accordingly. Don’t let the work interfere your personal time.

  • Get enough sleep for about 7-8 hours a day. It can be good time to recover your disturbed sleep cycle and it might further help in having a good mental and physical health.
  • Maintain a healthy dietary habit by avoiding snacks, getting a wholesome breakfast and lunch and a minimal amount of dinner.
  • Spend at least an hour a day for exercising and meditation. Moreover, try to balance work hours and personal time.

All of these factors can positive affect your mood and behaviour, and can help you in being calm and composed. During such times, Try Nimba Nature Cure urges you to stay at home and look after your physical and psychological wellness by implying natural and healthy food habits, and practising Yoga and meditation. Avoid panic buying and maintain social distancing. Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Attain A Healthier Lifestyle At A Wellness Retreat


Attain A Healthier Lifestyle At A Wellness Retreat

By: - March 23, 2020

The atmosphere is filled with impurities that affect the food you eat and the air you breathe. Your immune system helps in defending yourself against these impurities. The occurrence of health issues at regular intervals indicates a weaker immune system. Your immunity needs to get boosted naturally and it can be done through making a few, determinant lifestyle and diet choices. Let wellness retreat help you and guide you towards strengthening your immune system.

Eat Healthy And Organic

Your first step towards wellness retreat is to follow a healthy diet plan. Food is the most important aspect towards your wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle. Add fruits and vegetables to your regular diet as they contain antioxidants and provide essential nutrients to your body. Foods like oranges, watermelons, pineapples, carrots, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables boost your immune system.

Maintain Cleanliness

Keep yourselves and your surroundings clean. Wash your hands with soap and clean water regularly. Maintain the habit of cleanliness to avoid the outer impurities entering your body.

Stop Smoking

Curb your habits of smoking and drinking. Excessive smoking and drinking can have adverse effects on your immune system and can make you sick more often. Avoid passive-smoking too as it is equally harmful for your immunity.

Get Enough Sleep

You need to sleep for about 7-8 hours a night for your immune system to function well. Moreover, you’ll need to maintain a regular sleep cycle for a healthy immune system. Having a good sleep cycle is an important step towards a healthy life.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is very important for your good health. Even running, cycling and playing different sports can be helpful to keep you fit. Practicing Yoga every day is a great way to boost your blood circulation and attain a healthy immune system.

De-Stress Yourself

Relax and take a break for a while from your hectic life. Socialize more often, spend time with your loved ones or your pet to decrease the amount of stress. Meditation can be the most effective way to attain peace. Decrease in stress becomes helpful in improving your immune system.

Wellness begins with your well-being and your body’s ability to defend against the illness. Try Nimba Nature Cure, a perfect Wellness Retreat that offers naturopathy treatments to help you boost your immune system. Nimba provides various diet and detoxification therapies. It also offers yoga and meditation therapies in the proximity of nature to help you achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Emotional Detoxification Can Help You Ease Off The Mental Tension!

Emotional Detoxification

Emotional Detoxification Can Help You Ease Off The Mental Tension!

By: - March 13, 2020

We try to manage a lot of things all at once. Multi-tasking is not a skill anymore, it has become a necessity in our busy lives. But often we are not able to handle so many things. That is what fills us with negativity and hopelessness. The negativity inside us reflects the emotional baggage that we are carrying. All of these factors affect our mental and physical health. But we barely get time to address such issues, with our busy lifestyles. However, choosing not to take care of it, can further push us towards ill health. It can significantly affect our work as well and make you feel depressed.


First, let’s understand depression before trying to deal with it. There is a difference between depression and feeling depressed. Several things can make you feel depressed, not getting the outcome that you desired or wished for after struggling too hard for it, things not getting into the place according to your plan; or losing something or someone. But as time goes by and things change, these feelings vanish.


Depression is a problem that needs to be addressed and diagnosed. It may have different symptoms such as: feeling guilty and worthless, feeling lonely, having an irregular sleep cycle, feeling restless and tired, losing concentration or losing interest in things. Depression can be caused by complex interactions between genes and the environment. Depression is not a weakness or a personality trait. So this might be a call to take a break from that busy lifestyle for a while if you are going through such things in your life. It might be time to get away from the rush and see what nature has to offer you.


Nature can help you remove that stress and cool things down. It offers a plethora of things to release the tension and soothe your mind. Nimba Nature Cure brings you close to nature and gives you the ‘Emotional Detoxification’ you need. Nimba offers you a holistic approach through multifarious therapies and treatments. A walk in nature can ease your way through negative emotions. Nimba provides a peaceful environment for Yoga and meditation where you can spend time with nature and yourself. Its Meditation Cave can help you clear your mind.


The stress from work can be a drab. Multitasking your way out may not help you. Nimba offers a ‘stress management’ regime in its wellness program.

You VS the Heat: Be summer ready and play it cool with Natural Wellness by your side!

fitness and wellness

You VS the Heat: Be summer ready and play it cool with Natural Wellness by your side!

By: - March 6, 2020

Grab the sunglasses and the hats, cover your sleeves up and get summer ready. But that would cover your body just from the outside. You’ll need to stay cool inside-out. Summers in India can get extremely hot and humid. All we want is to stay inside our homes, turn on the ACs, grab a cold drink and relax. But we all know doing that every day might not be possible. The rising temperature really hassles with our peace and makes our skin crawl. There could be something more that we need to tackle the heat. In the end, only nature can come to your aid in beating the heat and being summer ready.

To begin with being summer ready, look after your dietary routine. Try to make your meals minimal and downsized. Detox food can be taken into consideration for the same. Adding beetroot, broccoli, cucumber, dill, garlic, lemon and leafy vegetables to your daily diet can cool the body from the inside and cleanse it. The above contains all the necessary anti-oxidants, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals for a healthier body in summers.Also, include coconut oil in your diet more often than none to keep yourself energized throughout the day. So detox food’s always natural and organic and that’s what Nimba Nature Cure offers through its detoxification therapies. Moreover, try giving up on snacking and have some seasonal fruits instead. A bowl full of watermelons, papaya, pineapples, grapes or everyone’s favourite, mangoes could be much more nutritious and refreshing. Opt for fresh juices (not canned) instead of soft drinks. On the whole, keep yourself hydrated always.

Another major step in being summer ready is taking good care of your skin. Although, the winter is over and your skin would not be as dry as it was, you still need to keep it well-nourished. Drinking a lot of water and keeping your body hydrated can help you nourish your skin and steadily detox your body. Get a little more sleep than usual because that will rejuvenate your skin. Exercising regularly can help you keep your body flowing and let you take any season head on. However, one can feel irritated exercising in such humid conditions and it can get very unpleasant because of the sweat and the stickiness. So it is advisable to choose an appropriate time such as early mornings or later in the evening for exercising. Additional to this, the good thing is that Yoga and meditation can never disappoint you whatsoever, and it would bring a lot of peace and brisk to be able to meditate underneath the shade of a tree.

To blow off some steam and be totally summer ready, there is no better place than something amidst the nature. So take a break and embrace Natural Wellness at Nimba Nature Cure. Nimba offers special wellness packages that includes various Naturopathic therapies, Ayurveda and Detox therapies. So come to Nimba to beat the heat and be summer ready.