
Explore Our Holistic Healing Through Our Blogs

One-third of the Population of the World is suffering from Lifestyle Diseases, are You?

The more we as a human race are evolving, the bigger list of problems seems to come our way. The adage, "science is a slave or the master?" is being better answered for the worst and turning our heads away from the reality that is looking right at us wide-eyed;...
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Family Wellness Retreats – Your Pursuit of Happiness

When you look back at your childhood, the memories of your family doing dishes together won't cross your mind but the elephant that chased your car down town during that family trip to some hill station, will. Life is made of such countless 'mundane' activities; sadly our mind is not...
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Journey of Wellness Bloggers at Nimba – Part VII

Our everyday life and our habits push our body to the limits. The air we breathe and the food that we eat, are most of the time inadequate to revive our body’s energy and systems. That is why we need wellness retreat holiday so that we can replenish the positive...
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Embrace Naturopathy for Stress Management

Know Stress, No Stress! Most of the people associate stress only with emotional discomfort, which is not true. Stress is the condition of excessive strain on your body due to adverse circumstances. When a person cannot adapt to stressful events, it creates a harmful reaction in the body. There are...
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Feeling Stressed? Give a try to Wellness Retreat

Beware of the Stress Monster! Powered by technology and ambitions, our lives have become faster but even more complex. Most of us feel emotional strain with so much demanding professional and social responsibilities. That’s stress, and regardless countries or religion, stress is everywhere. Too much stress is an open invitation...
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Journey of Wellness Bloggers at Nimba – Part VI

When it comes to health, you have to be extra cautious. Each piece of food, every thought and every place has a positive or a negative effect on your health. And if you are not so very careful, eventually the body system would start going haywire. At a wellness retreat,...
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Detox Your 5 Essential Organs Rgularly and Live a Long, Healthy Life!

As we wade through the heaps of toxic chemicals, in the air and water and even food, we don’t realize that they are getting inside our body and hiding there. Our day to day life is infused with so many toxins which eventually get accumulated in 5 detoxifying organ in...
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Detox your body – the natural way!

Human Body – The most delicate machine ever There are 100 trillion cells; 78 organs like heart, liver, kidney, etc.; and 12 organ systems in your body that work in tandem with the brain, to execute important functions of the body. Indeed, the human body is a very intricate and...
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