
Explore Our Holistic Healing Through Our Blogs

Transform Your Life from Yoga Retreat!

History of Yoga The introduction of the magnificent term “Yoga” dates back over 5000 years ago. Beginning with the Vedic period and prevailing till date in the modern era, Yoga has emerged as an essential factor for healthy living and wellness. Roots of Yoga The roots of Yoga can be...
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Detox your Polluted Lungs, Naturally!

Say no to air pollution. Avoid being a victim! If studies are to be believed, air pollution is said to be one of the most dreaded form of pollution that takes millions of lives every year. It occurs when mixtures of harmful substances like chemical residues, biological molecules, and several...
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World Arthritis Day 2017: How to maintain Bone Health

Bones are an essential part of our body that constitute the entire human skeleton. We literally cannot function properly owing to its poor condition or complete absence as they provide overall movement to the body. Most importantly the marrow inside our bones contributes in producing blood cells. Moreover, bones aids...
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Fasting in Naturopathy: For better Health and Well-being

Fasting therapy, as advocated by Naturopathy, is an all-natural road to excellent health and overall wellness. Fasting gives digestive organs ample time to restore health and regain the efficiency that has been disturbed with modern-day eating habits. Sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy food choices can be blamed for landing us in...
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Things you have and Things you need!

How far the humanity has evolved, from eating fresh fruits in the purest of air to pesticides and chemical fertilizers laced fruits grown in polluted air. We have seen the quality of life gradually go down despite humanity revolutionising the world with technology.If we talk about our own life, with...
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Fight Allergies – The natural way!

It’s that time of the year that marks the beginning of a new season and with it comes a package full of ill health, allergies and infection. So, apparently, it is high time you pull up your socks and start taking measures in order to prevent such allergies and infection...
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The Eight Facets of Wellness

Improvising wellness by focusing and acting on each of the given dimensions diagnoses early mortality from treatable and preventable measures. Accepting wellness is all about embracing a lifestyle and livelihood that transforms you into the healthiest “you”. On talking about the different dimensions of wellness or what are the areas...
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Journey of Wellness Bloggers at Nimba – Part VIII

‘Satvik Living’ is the most virtuous and beneficial way of leading a satisfied and disease-free lifestyle. It gives the positivity, wholesomeness, and richness to life, which is extremely important to energize you and live peacefully. Our body is made of Panch Tattvas that when balanced lets you stay healthy or...
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