
Explore Our Holistic Healing Through Our Blogs

Make your Holidays Healthy!

Holidays are meant for fun and comfort, not stress! Our daily routine usually revolves around our personal life and professional life. And in this neverending cycle of life, we often feel disconnected with our own soul. Despite all the resources and time, we seek that inner happiness in the materialistic...
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Manage the heat, inside and outside your body

Heat is not bad, excessive heat is bad! Just like the nature, our body is also made up of the five basic elements known as the ‘Panch Mahabhoota’ viz. Earth, Water, Air, Ether, and Fire. We are made of fire and it is necessary for sustaining the life itself. The...
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Plan Summer Holidays at Nimba to beat the heat

What is your plan for summer holidays? Burning your skin under the sun or wrapping it in mud and herbal medicines! Holidays are meant for refreshment and rejuvenation of the mind, body, and soul. And that is what Nimba Naturecure offers to you. A calm and comfortable life where your...
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Digital Stress? Combat it with Corporate Wellness Programs!

The stress instigated by the super-fast pace of modern lifestyle is increasing day by day. The significant factors that contribute to increased stress are social life, work responsibilities, and over-exposure of technology. So the big question here is... WHAT IS DIGITAL STRESS? The stress caused by technology is what we...
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[Clinical Case Study V] Treatment of Obesity with Naturopathy at Nimba Nature Cure

What is Obesity? When excessive body fat keeps on accumulating in the body, and to the level that it creates a negative impact on the body, the condition is called Obesity. Technically, Obesity is the state of having body weight 20% more than the ideal limits as outlined in the...
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[Case Study IV] Alternative treatment for Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) using Naturopathy at Nimba

What is Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)? Eczema (a.k.a. Dermatitis) is one of the most common skin diseases in the world with 10 to 20 percent population suffering from it. Still, there is very less awareness about it amongst the people. Actually, Atopic Dermatitis is a sub-type of Eczema. It is a...
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How can you boost the energy of your workforce naturally?

Among so many wellness retreats in the world, Nimba Naturecure is unique, one of Nimba’s core purpose is to make workforces healthier and more productive. Nimba’s corporate wellness programs help the employees to get relieved from stress and work more energetically. These corporate wellness programs are not meant only for...
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Gift a Healthy Workplace Environment to your employees and your organization

Is your company getting the desired productivity from your employees? If Yes, It’s Awesome. If not, it may be because they are not happy with the work or a strong bonding among your employees is missing. At this juncture, it is wise to introduce a healthy environment, which is inclusive...
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