
Explore Our Holistic Healing Through Our Blogs

Understanding Pulmonary Fibrosis: 5 Key Insights for Patients

Pulmonary fibrosis is a severe, chronic disease of the lungs that results in fibrotic changes of lung parenchyma and makes it difficult to breathe. Although this disease is difficult, having proper knowledge about it can be insightful to patients and caretakers in decision-making processes. At Nimba Nature Cure, we value...
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Stay Healthy This Winter With These Naturopathy Tips

Winter, with its cool breezes and cozy moments, is a season loved by many. It’s a time for warm blankets, hearty meals, and festivities. However, winter also comes with its challenges, such as increased susceptibility to illnesses, reduced physical activity, and a tendency to overindulge in unhealthy foods. Naturopathy, a...
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Ayurveda Treatment for Respiratory Problems: A Natural Approach to Better Breathing

Various respiratory disorders including insignificant conditions like allergies to severe chronic respiratory diseases are increasing due to factors including contamination of air quality, poor lifestyles and stress. Such problems affect day-to-day living and quality of life, especially if they turn into long-term diseases. Whereas contemporary medicine largely seeks to tame...
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7 Things Everyone Should Know About Pulmonary Fibrosis

Pulmonary fibrosis is a continuous worsening of the lung tissue and its structure making it difficult for oxygen to be absorbed by the blood. This illness may limit a person’s breathing capability and greatly affect his/her daily living. Knowledge of pulmonary fibrosis is important whether for prevention, detection and diagnosis...
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Consider the Right Treatment for Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal disorders are diseases affecting muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints in the human body. These disorders are characterised by pain, inflammation and stiffness which drastically decreased the patient’s mobility. These diseases are as a result of failure to assume the correct posture or due to a certain, repeated movement...
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What is Naturopathy & How Does It Benefit You?

As the pace of the world accelerates, people start to realise that they need not only treatment for certain symptoms but comprehensive health. Such a practice is naturopathy that has been for some time in practice. But what is naturopathy exactly, and how does it help you? This of course...
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How To Cure Rheumatoid Arthritis Permanently?

Rheumatoid arthritis also known as RA is an autoimmune disease that affects the joint this results in aches, swelling stiffness and in serious conditions it leads to joint deformity. Despite these shortcomings, RA is an ailment for which, to date, no cure has been found by the medical science but...
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Pranayama for Asthma: A Natural Approach to Better Breathing

People in our society are always under pressure, worry, and anxiety, which makes it difficult to keep concentrated. One approach to improve mental health is mindfulness—that is, awareness of the present moment and a re-connection with oneself. The premier naturopathy treatment centre in Gujarat, Nimba Nature Cure, bases their whole...
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