
Explore Our Holistic Healing Through Our Blogs

The Path of Wellness Travellers to Health Retreats

In the inclination to be a globetrotter and explore the world, we often forget to explore our inner selves. That is possibly the reason why it is peculiar to hear the two words “wellness” and “travelling” together. However, the changing times and the craving for a deeper realisation of one’s...
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Conquer Every Musculoskeletal Problem with Nimba

Merriam Webster defines ergonomics as “an applied science concerned with designing and arranging things people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely.” It is also known as biotechnology, human engineering, human factors. The development of a civilisation is not a coincidence. When you pause to...
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A Staycation of Holistic Well-being

In the chaotic times of COVID-19, all the plans are going kaput like a paper boat in heavy rains. Yet, the travel lovers are dearly clutching onto their plans, hoping that someone would magically invent a new vaccine and things would go back to normal soon. Well, what we know...
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Why Should You Consider Yoga & Yoga Retreats

Yoga Retreat has uncountable benefits, but most people think it only focuses on a flexible body. It is a wonderful way to gain both mental and physical fitness. Hence, it has gained immense popularity in the last few decades. And why wouldn't it? It is recommended by all, be it...
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Reduce your risk of Viral Infections-Choose our immune boosting regimen through Naturopathy Wellness

The only way to live a long, disease-free healthy life is to take every possible step to enhance the strength of our immune system.  And given how covid-19 virus has created an unchecked pandemic across the world, it’s even more important to build our defenses against such abrupt attack. Naturopathy...
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How Can Ayurveda Help In Boosting Immunity

While the world is suffering, our body’s natural defense system, our immunity, is shielding and protecting us. There are some general ways in which we must protect ourselves against this deadly virus. First and foremost, we need to restrict our outings to necessary ones only. Apart from that, here are...
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The Way Forward: Preventive Care With Naturopathy

We often confuse being disease free with being healthy. However, that is not the case. While most of us have no diseases, we might not be healthy. Our health is highly dependent on our lifestyle. With our busy and demanding lifestyle, we spend very less time on mindful eating, sleeping...
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How Can Shirodhara Help In Stress Management?

In these difficult times of the global pandemic, our lives have changed drastically. The amount of stress has increased at a faster rate now as compared to the earlier times. The mental health of people has also been affected due to this. People who are unaffected by the virus and...
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