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गर्मीयों में इन योग से खुद को रखें ठंडा

गर्मीयों का मौसम आ रहा है, अब धीरे धीरे हमारे आसपास के वातावरण का तापमान बढ़ रहा है। इन परिस्थिति में हीट स्ट्रोक, सनबर्न, डीहाईड्रेशन होता है जिससे हमारे शरीर में उर्जा का स्तर बेहद जल्दी कम हो जाता है। साथ ही बेचेनी, घबराहट और उल्टी – दस्त जैसी समस्याएं...
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How Alternative Medicine In India Can Help You Improve Your Health

In a world full of pharmaceuticals, nature may sometimes help us heal from diseases, and this is where alternative medicine steps in. According to a review of research, over half of the people with chronic diseases use some form of complementary therapy at some point throughout their condition. There is...
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Insomnia: Is your mind keeping you up at night?

Sometimes, it's as if you can't get your thoughts to stop talking long enough to fall asleep. You're mentally analysing the day that just passed while simultaneously anticipating the day ahead; occasionally, your memory may go well back into the archives and bring up something humiliating you did in high...
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Does Acupuncture Really Work For Weight Loss?

Weight is a major issue that everyone faces when it comes to self-love. It's not about whether you're underweight or overweight; it's about how you should be. Weight loss is a major concern for everyone. Some wish to gain weight, and some to reduce their excess fat. It is difficult...
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गर्मियों में वज़न घटाने के लिए प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा आहार ?

“ मेरा वज़न कम नहीं हो रहा है ”, “कितनी भी महेनत करलूं पर कोई असर नहीं हो रहा है” “ में कितना भी मन मारलूं पर फर्क नहीं पड़ रहा ” ऐसी बातें अकसर लोग सोचते है और अपने आप पे ध्यान देना छोड देते है । हमारा खानपान...
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Get the Naturopathy Treatment for Diabetes in India

In today's fast-paced culture, people frequently choose the easy and quick road. For example, a person suffering from a minor headache will choose paracetamol over an oil massage or rest. It is difficult for the human body to keep pace with the amount at which the world spins around them,...
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स्वस्थ जीवन शैली और प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा से हृदय रोग का इलाज कैसे करें?

आज आप किसी भी व्यक्ति से पुछे की आपको कैसी जीवनशैली पसंद है तो सामान्यतः मॉडर्न लाइफ स्टाइल ऐसा जवाब मिलेगा । यह मॉडर्न लाइफ स्टाइल यानी आधुनिक जीवन पद्धति में धूम्रपान, मांसाहार, फास्ट फूड, मदिरापान जैसे नशीले पदार्थों का सेवन, देर रात तक जागना जैसी आदतें काफी सामान्य रूप...
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Boost Your Immunity with Nimba Naturopathy Diet

Nature's essence is fading in the concrete world. Choices and tastes have evolved as a result of modern activities, leaving behind the natural flavors of nature. There is no medicine as potent as nature's healing abilities. naturopathy diet, a blend of traditional therapies, healing remedies, and good habits, gives your...
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