Digital Stress? Combat it with Corporate Wellness Programs!

Digital Stress

Digital Stress? Combat it with Corporate Wellness Programs!

By: - April 15, 2018

The stress instigated by the super-fast pace of modern lifestyle is increasing day by day. The significant factors that contribute to increased stress are social life, work responsibilities, and over-exposure of technology.

So the big question here is… WHAT IS DIGITAL STRESS?

The stress caused by technology is what we refer to as digital stress. Digital stress is the result of the demand to stay connected to the online world & the implications that come with it.

A compulsive need to check emails every couple of minutes, or an anxiety-induced behaviour when you are unable to access the information online, these examples can be categorised under digital stress. And there are more than one type of digital stress as mentioned below.

Types of Digital Stress:

There are two types of digital stress, as per a research study carried out by Weinstein and Selman.

Type 1 falls under the category of stress caused by meanness or hostility through a digital medium.

Few examples:

Mean personal attacks, public humiliation on social platforms, getting trolled online.

Type 2 falls under the category of stress caused due to induction of closeness in relationships.

Few examples:

1) Overwhelming excessive messages.
2) The pressure to follow requests for access that invades your privacy, or navigating through personal digital accounts or devices without consent.

The curious case of DIGITAL STRESS and YOUR BRAIN!

The multitasking lifestyle that has been incorporated into our lives has taken a heavy toll on our brain. The attention level of our mind is limited, and when it gets overloaded with information, it can trigger an adverse reaction.

As per a survey carried out by NY Times, 30% of employees aged under 45 stated that smartphones and computers make it harder for them to focus on their task. And they could lead to atrophy of grey matter that impacts memory, concentration, and decision-making ability. So, do you think you have experienced digital stress at some point in your life? Checkout if you have these symptoms…

Symptoms of Digital Stress:
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Withdrawal from social activities
• Increased temper/ anger
• Irregular sleep patterns
• Fatigue
• Headache, stomach ache, or body aches
• Muscle pain
• High blood pressure


Higher digital stress in corporates can also lead to higher healthcare costs. Healthcare costs for employees with high-stress levels are 50% greater than the ones with manageable stress levels.

Organizations are now taking steps to help employees overcome the stress and increase the productivity of the employee.
Corporates are adopting digital stress management programs to combat digital stress. These programs aim to teach techniques such as mindfulness, and meditation to the employees to help them fight stress. They also seek to bring changes in their lifestyle by motivating them to improve their sleep cycle and nutrition consumption.

How Nimba’s Corporate Wellness Program can help you cope up with digital stress?

• The relaxing Yoga and mindful Meditation are very helpful in reducing the stress.
• The Digital Detox is an integral part of Corporate Wellness Programs as employees are using digital media and technology in their routine professional life.
• As stress is considered a risk factor for many chronic diseases, the massage therapy can help in lowering the stress levels of employees.

And there are many more therapies in the list, which the experts at Nimba will suggest, after thorough health check-up of the employees. Definitely, the employees will feel more energetic and revived, after visiting Nimba.


A healthy workforce is crucial for any business to achieve success. Taking small steps (as listed above) can go a long way in managing employees’ stress levels and it will reflect positively on organization’s performance.

Are your friends, colleagues, or employees going through high digital stress?

Share this post with them and ask them to get in touch with Nimba Nature Cure Village. Avail amazing benefits from Nimba’s Digital Stress Management Programs. Take the first step to reduce digital stress, today!